spitfirebill said:
iceracer said:
Hard to believe that those things actually can fly.
They fly very well and are faster than you would think.
They'll also scare the ever living E36 M3 out of you when they fly onto your carport and race across the roof.
Ian F
11/1/18 7:47 a.m.
In reply to RevRico :
They'll also scare the crap out of you when you're driving down a road in NJ and one flies over the hood of your car. For a split second: total black - then, "WTF was that???"
This ad just popped up on this page. I'm sorry, that's just disturbing.

Ian F said:
In reply to RevRico :
They'll also scare the crap out of you when you're driving down a road in NJ and one flies over the hood of your car. For a split second: total black - then, "WTF was that???"
I had the shadow of a heron cross over me when I was walking in my yard one time. The primal urge to run was intense.
In reply to jstein77 :
Perfect gift for Grandma .
In reply to jstein77 :
You mean people are paying money to look like I do? There really is no underestimating human stupidity.
This one lived in Battery Park for years. She was very friendly most of the time but every so often she would get harassed by some idiots and go crazy. 
11/1/18 1:49 p.m.
Our grand kids got all excited one morning looking out a window. They were screaming "there are birds all over the yard" . There must have been almost 20 in the front yard. Three of them decided they needed a bath and tried to hop into the bird bath at the same time. It was halarius to watch. One alone was too big and there was no way all three could get in it. After a while I went outside to try and move them along into the woods. No matter how much noise and commotion I made they weren't the least bit disturbed. They looked at me as though I was the one that should be getting out of THEIR yard. I have found that when they are crossing the street if I just keep moving they will get out of the way. If encountered at speed they make a mess. A co-worker had one come through his windshield at about 70 and we were still cleaning glass and feathers out of the truck a year later. One of my kids hit one that nearly came through the windshield and almost totaled the car, it was amazing the damage it caused. They are nasty creatures.
I had one fly across in front of the school bus I was driving. My thought was, I hope it doesn't hit the windshield. It didn't.
jstein77 said:
If you just keep moving forward slowly, their self-preservation instinct will kick in and move them out of the way. I think.
My sister and her husband used to run a turkey farm (domestic turkeys, that is.) My brother worked there one summer while he was in school; he described how he'd drive a tractor out into the field, and some of the turkeys would just stand there and stare at the tractor's tires as they ran them over.
We had a wild turkey standing at the front door of our office building a few years ago, trying to fight his reflection in the glass.
In reply to stuart in mn : I’ve heard That Turkeys can drown in a heavy rain because they look up. Rain goes down their throat and they actually drown from failing to look down .
If you ever need to be convinced that birds are actually dinosaurs, just look closely at a turkey.
Oh, the humanity!
Domestic turkeys are even dumber than the wild ones.
Wasn't there a rogue gaggle on Martha's Vineyard doing some serious damage a few years back?
Nearly had one hit us while trying to beat us across the road. By us I mean the DE student driving the car while I was teaching.
11/3/18 6:27 p.m.
1988RedT2 said:
#triggered snowflakes
BWaHahahaahaahahahaaa!!!!!...... ouch my sides hurt.......tee hee