Hey Marie you wanna live in the skool bus ? Debby has been great for the aquifer but she knocked us out of our house . Flooded we got most of the stuff off the ground but . 2 dogs and we are settling in here . Insurance yes and we are good . I pulled a granny out of the drink this morning she ran into a retention pond . About 3 oclock .I said dam we need to fire up schoolie it was in foot and half water . I told marie i needed to run to the shop get starter fluid , she said dumbass there's a can under the kitchen sink with the cleaning fluids . We flooded about 9;00 oclock ish Crazy weather but good for florida's aquifers and hopefully some of the southern states . Oh and probably can get to working on challenge car more since its now 20 feet away from where I will be sleeping for awhile . 
Damn, Karl. I just realized that Debby just kind of stopped moving when she hit. Good luck, man.
From what I gathered, his neighbor Debby left her sprinklers on all night, thus flooding the state of Florida. (kidding)
I'm just trying to figure out where the burned up scooter comes into play.
Karl lives in Florida.
about 3or so inches of water in house this 8 / 9 oclockish
Scooter was a burner left abandoned tow we get all types
novaderrik wrote:
friedgreencorrado wrote:
Karl lives in Florida.
They had to move into their (homemade) camper to escape the flood in their house. There's a tropical storm hovering over their home, and they are being flooded out.
Dude, trust me..elsewhere on the internet, I'm the biggest and baddest grammar & punctuation Nazi there ever was. The only reason I haven't written the "Mein Kampf" of such things is simply because I'm just too lazy to rave about it for 400 pages.
OTOH, over here? I know Karl & Marie. Long-time participants in The Challenge, friends of the magazine, and main source of my sustenance at any racetrack they deem worthy of setting up their concession stand.

I don't care that Karl posts up "hieroglyphics" when he decides to post up. If you'd like me to translate it for you, I think I could give it a shot..
"So I see the water rising, and ask, "Hey Marie? Would you like to move to the camper?" TS Debby has been great at replenishing Florida's aquifers..but she (TS Debby) ran us out of our house . The house is flooded. We got most of the stuff out of the water, but we had to take our dogs with us, and we are settling into the camper. Yes, we have insurance, and we are safe. I had to help an old woman escape the flood earlier today, she had driven her car into a retention pond. About 3 o'clock this afternoon, I realized that the water was getting higher under the camper, so I needed to start the engine. I told Marie that I needed to run to the shop to get a can of ether, but she remembered there was a can under the kitchen sink in the house, next to the cleaning fluids. The flooding was at its worst about 9p or so. Crazy weather but good for restoring Florida's aquifers and hopefully this storm will help end the drought in other Southern states. Oh, and I can probably work on the Challenge car more often, since it's parked so close to the stinking camper (a joke in the face of adversity)."
Aside to Karl..dude, I know that burned up scoot was something y'all dragged home, but I still don't know why you posted up the picture of it, either. 
I actually understood all of that. The picture of the scooter is to show the only dry thing in the yard. 
Sorry for the troubles. We've missed all the storms since Hugo in '89, but it was a royal PITA. Good luck with the clean up.
Toyman01 wrote:
I actually understood all of that. The picture of the scooter is to show the only dry thing in the yard.
Holy cow! Man, that's rough. G/L with the cleanup, Karl!
6/25/12 12:05 p.m.
That illustrated map is not entirely accurate. We are getting almost continuous rain in SoFla. Around 6-8 inches in 3 days. Some flooding in low places. Went down to my daughter's house in Homestead Saturday, and the drive back was terrifying. Night time, very dark road, hard rain the whole time, Sentra hydroplaning way too much. It was strange watching the car in front of me dart side to side as they lost traction. Oncoming trucks threw great sheets of water. Got back to the house and became friendly with Mr. Skol.
I always enjoy Karl's posts, it's like solving a Jumble or Cryptoquote puzzle.
Sorry to hear of the flooding guys, I hope Debby move on soon!
Karl La Follette wrote:
Hey Marie you wanna live in the skool bus ? Debby has been great for the aquifer but she knocked us out of our house . Flooded we got most of the stuff off the ground but . 2 dogs and we are settling in here . Insurance yes and we are good . I pulled a granny out of the drink this morning she ran into a retention pond . About 3 oclock .I said dam we need to fire up schoolie it was in foot and half water . I told marie i needed to run to the shop get starter fluid , she said dumbass there's a can under the kitchen sink with the cleaning fluids . We flooded about 9;00 oclock ish Crazy weather but good for florida's aquifers and hopefully some of the southern states . Oh and probably can get to working on challenge car more since its now 20 feet away from where I will be sleeping for awhile .
Whoa. For a minute, I thought I was reading Kerouac.
Took two trips up to Tampa, one on Friday and one on Sunday. Took the Miata on Friday, and the truck on Sunday. Neither one of them have working a/c right now, so it was quite the trip. At least MOST of the trip on Friday was just wet, not raining. Sunday, however... Many, MANY cars in the ditch on Sunday.
Filing Fried Green Corrado in the "gets it" file right now. That was wonderful. And yes, I share your feelings about Karl and Marie. Sorry about the flooding, guys 
I should add that I really like Kerouac. Hope things get better down there.
I live in Northern Fl. and went to sleep sunday night to the sound of rain...steady, but nothing too serious. This morning I woke (at 6:45) to the sound of a VERY steady rainfall, like it was coming down in buckets. My apartment isn't all that close to the nearest water (a creek / river is about 1 & 1/2 mile away) but my rental property is in an area that could flood easily.
So far, it looks like Beryl was a bit worse here, but Debby is still over 200 miles to the west of us....so it will be touch and go. I have my fingers crossed the ground doesn't get so saturated that trees start to get uprooted.
Good luck to everyone down there.
Nowhere near you, but we got some pretty serious flooding recently:
Some highlights:
The latter being a picture of one of the seals which escape form the zoo via swimming away. A polar bear got loose too, but didn't clear the boundaries of the zoo. Many other critters were less lucky.
6/25/12 4:05 p.m.
Sorry to hear things are getting a little underwater for you - but glad you've got a dry place to hang out.
cwh wrote:
That illustrated map is not entirely accurate. We are getting almost continuous rain in SoFla. Around 6-8 inches in 3 days. Some flooding in low places. Went down to my daughter's house in Homestead Saturday, and the drive back was terrifying. Night time, very dark road, hard rain the whole time, Sentra hydroplaning way too much. It was strange watching the car in front of me dart side to side as they lost traction. Oncoming trucks threw great sheets of water. Got back to the house and became friendly with Mr. Skol.
Yeah, I think I linked up the storm track forecast. I should have posted up a satellite photo instead, to show how large an area was being affected.
Heard a forecaster on NPR this afternoon's coverage of the flooding saying, "..this is why we hate it when someone says, `It's only a tropical storm.' "
Meanwhile, here in MS, we are high and dry. Oy.
keethrax wrote:
Nowhere near you, but we got some pretty serious flooding recently:
Some highlights:
The latter being a picture of one of the seals which escape form the zoo via swimming away. A polar bear got loose too, but didn't clear the boundaries of the zoo. Many other critters were less lucky.
WOW! All of your friends/family OK?