I have seen a lot of fender benders in the last few days. I was caught in the rain while on the bike, and the next lane over, a pick-up rear-ended the car stopped at the light. That always freaks me out a bit, and it's why I spend a lot of time in my mirrors.
friedgreencorrado wrote:
WOW! All of your friends/family OK?
As far as I know. Phones are still down lots of places, so there are a few I haven't heard from yet. But all of the people I know that live in questionable spots have been accounted for. The rest would have to have been nowhere near home to have gotten into trouble.
...also spawning tornados. There was one less than a mile from my house.
Thankfully, we're on pretty high ground. No flooding, but we lost power for several hours last night. One of my co-workers was still without power this morning. (And TECO said 22K people in the bay area were without power this morning.) Had to take an alternate route to work this morning; roads closed due to downed power lines. Some traffic signals out due to power interruptions.
blinking clock tells me that power was out at my house again some time today, too.
Karl's in my thoughts. Flooding's way worse than the minor inconvenience of some rolling blackouts.