Our eldest's wee one that is due August 2nd is trying to make her entrance a wee bit too early. At 33 weeks, she'd probably end up staying in the hospital for 3 to 4 weeks. Right now it looks like they have slowed things down but a test they gave her says the baby should be here in the next week. Prayers or good thoughts would be appreciated that baby Hannah holds off for a bit more. This is one race she needs to be slow and steady to win.
Good thoughts definitely heading your way. Please keep us informed about how Hannah and her extended family are doing.
6/16/16 6:28 a.m.
Prayers for Hannah and her family.
Whoa, Baby Hannah! Slow down there. Sending prayers and happy thoughts she waits until July to finish the race.
Thinking good thoughts about the bun staying in the oven until the timer is closer to going off.
Modern medicine is amazing.
Hang in there. I have no doubt she'll be fine even if early.
6/16/16 8:35 a.m.
My nephew and his wife had a preemie earlier this year. She spent some time in the NICU of course, but she's been home for quite a while, and everything is great with her! You'd never know she didn't go 40 weeks. Best of luck and medical science to your family.
Good thoughts on the way.
Best wishes!
Not sure if it helps, but my oldest was born at 32 weeks. She spent 4 days in NICU for jaundice but was otherwise perfect.
My youngest decided to join us at 26 weeks. Spent 10 weeks in, and aside from a minor heart issue, she's perfect. Stubborn as all get out, but perfect.
I know it's very stressful, but try not to fret. Babies can be amazingly and resoundingly tough. And the teams at the hospitals and NICUs are rock stars at handling the early ones.
We were at risk of early delivery with our first daughter so I’ve been to that movie…huge heartfelt good luck to all of you.
BTW, our second daughter had no issues and her name is Hannah as well.
Prayers and good thoughts? Done. For you and Gramps too 
Cooper_Tired wrote:
Best wishes!
Not sure if it helps, but my oldest was born at 32 weeks. She spent 4 days in NICU for jaundice but was otherwise perfect.
My youngest decided to join us at 26 weeks. Spent 10 weeks in, and aside from a minor heart issue, she's perfect. Stubborn as all get out, but perfect.
I know it's very stressful, but try not to fret. Babies can be amazingly and resoundingly tough. And the teams at the hospitals and NICUs are rock stars at handling the early ones.
33 weeks is perfectly fine. 30 is concerning but acceptable. As expressed 26 is viable with intensive NICU intervention. It was the 23 and 24 week squeakers that NEED to stay in longer.
Positive vibes going your way for a healthy baby!!
6/16/16 12:01 p.m.
Good vibes sent your way!
Best wishes!
Maybe she'll be one of those people who have to be early for everything...
Keep that bun in the oven! 
All the best wishes.
Hold baby Hannah. Do not exit.