T intersection, 3 lane one way street leading away from the T
I'm approaching from one side, in the left hand turn lane, no arrow signaling, standing green. Look across and coming at the other way is a guy in the right hand lane, slowing, right turn signal on.
I go across a good bit ahead (would have cleared if the guy was going straight/didn't turn also) and keep in the closes left lane. I'm going slightly slower after crossing as the next light is red. Guy turns right, then comes across all 3 lanes to the left, and damn near pit maneuvers/rear ends me as he swings in behind. Rides my ass, honks, and 1 fingered saluting to the light, then takes a left himself.
So question is, we should both take the inside lanes, had he side swiped me, who's at fault?
I'm pretty sure what you did was perfectly fine, but the average red ass would believe he is the center of attention and you wronged him.
....I believe you turn into the first available lane then subsequently signal your lane change.
(Unless there are multiple turn lanes, then you maintain the corresponding lane).
Based on real life, few drivers do the same.. but that's how I believe it should be done.
Turning across multiple lanes is a no no around here. You make your turn, then change lanes.
That being said, a left turn yields to everyone. If there had been an accident, you would have probably gotten the ticket.
8/3/15 5:43 p.m.
I'm pretty confident there is no such thing as a 3 lane one way street in my entire state.
The car turning right generally has the right of way.
Guy making the right turn has the right of way. But...left lane should turn in to left lane and right lane should turn in to right lane and then merge over to left lane.
Yeah, I'm aware that left lane yields in about every way. I was a good 20-30 yards down the road as the guy just took a wide line across everything, then had to throw on the brakes. Now I'm curious why he didn't just pass me as there was room and all before the light.
Intersection in question, dropped a marker where I noticed him coming across. https://www.google.com/maps/place/37%C2%B032'30.3%22N+77%C2%B026'54.8%22W/@37.5416102,-77.4485261,19z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0
Then it's probably a case of shiny happy person being shiny happy person. Ignore it and move on.
Toyman01 wrote:
Turning across multiple lanes is a no no around here. You make your turn, then change lanes.
That being said, a left turn yields to everyone. If there had been an accident, you would have probably gotten the ticket.
maybe not … assuming the jackass ran into his backend