BBsGarage Reader
9/5/08 1:41 p.m.

WENDOVER, Utah -- A 47-year-old record-setting motorcycle racer from Montana died when he lost control and crashed while traveling at 239 mph on the Bonneville Salt Flats.

Investigators weren't sure what caused Cliff Gullett, of Bozeman, Mont., to lose control of the motorcycle Wednesday during a time trial.

The American Motorcyclist Association said on its Web site that Gullett was competing in the 500cc Streamliner class at the Salt Flats, where drivers go for speed records every summer on the flat, open space just east of the Nevada state line.

Gullett owned Team Bozeman Motorsports, a motorcycle and snowmobile dealership. He had set a handful of world land-speed records and wanted to eventually become the first to reach 400 mph on a two-wheeled Streamliner, according to an interview last week with The Billings Gazette.

Curt Lance, Team Bozeman's general manager, said "Cliff always told me that if anything happened on the Salt, he wanted it to be quick and not lingering. He died doing the thing he loved to do most -- racing at Bonneville."

captainzib Reader
9/5/08 1:44 p.m.

At least he enjoyed the thing that killed him.


cwh Dork
9/5/08 3:13 p.m.

That's still pretty young to kick off, no matter how much fun he had up until......

Nashco SuperDork
9/5/08 3:22 p.m.
cwh wrote: That's still pretty young to kick off, no matter how much fun he had up until......

47?!?! I'd be happy to last that long in the hunt for speed! Sounds like he went out doing what he loved, the way most of us speed freaks would prefer it.


walterj HalfDork
9/5/08 3:31 p.m.
Nashco wrote: 47?!?! I'd be happy to last that long in the hunt for speed! Sounds like he went out doing what he loved, the way most of us speed freaks would prefer it. Bryce

"most"? I'd prefer to go quietly in my sleep after a good day on the track. That "Blaze of Glory" crap is damn painful looking.

modernbeat HalfDork
9/5/08 6:53 p.m.

My girlfriend and I had a good talk with him on Friday evening of Speed Week. They had a large crew at the salt supporting a few bikes. The Nebulous Theorem bike was pretty neat, like all of Costello's cars. Too bad it happened. Running at Bonneville is safer than the other dry lakes, but still not guaranteed safe.

maroon92 SuperDork
9/7/08 4:11 p.m.

I will be happy if I make it to 50!

cwh Dork
9/7/08 4:18 p.m.

When I was 50, back in my IMSA days, I was gas man, fueling cars while other cars went by, 5 feet away, at over 100mph. Before pit speed limits. 3 people aiming fire extinguishers at me. Biggest danger I had racing was a pissed off boyfriend coming after me with a knife at Watkins Glen. Every day I wake up, I break a family record. I would still love to go balls out at Bonneville.

wlkelley3 Reader
9/8/08 11:28 a.m.
cwh wrote: Biggest danger I had racing was a pissed off boyfriend coming after me with a knife at Watkins Glen.

Now that sounds like an interesting story.

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