So, four years ago, I bought my son a Slash for Christmas... brushed, nicad. It was fun as hell... now needs new receiver/transmitter, batteries, and yes, the brushless motor. Amazon has flysky T/R for $35- good; castle 3800 brushless kit for $105- good; lipo battery- 5000mah for $40- good; tenergy TB-6 charger for $50- good. Until- all in with two batteries, I'm at $270. More expensive than a new car- so I go checking. Brand new brushless Slash for $320 (no batteries/charger). So now I'm thinking, get all of it, and two more lipo batteries. I don't need to spend $700 on a pretend car, but these E36 M3s are fun.
I'd given up cars for a few years, and here I am.
12/31/17 10:40 p.m.
I built one out of a pile of junk. I had a wrecked rustler with a vxl setup in it. I bought one conversion plate online, a pile of clearance parts (turns out no one wants lime green rpm arms) and made an lcg 2wd slash. I then cooked the vxl esc and decided it was balls out time, and went straight to mamba/sidewinder waterproof. It's scary on 2s. I've never seen it on 3. The motor/esc was about 125$. All said and told im in at about 300$. I am lookingat new turnigy 3s lipos, and a new charger. I had a spektrum dx3e from my drifter, threw in a 2 channel recieved and was good to go.
Funny you mention all of this today, woody got my old velineon motor yesterday as part of the grm secret Santa .
Pick and choose wisely, because R/C cars can make flying airplanes look cheap. 
1/1/18 12:03 p.m.
Appleseed said:
Pick and choose wisely, because R/C cars can make flying airplanes look cheap. 
Hush, you. I only have...oh god do I really have that much in motors?
I built a Rustler/Slash hybrid last year for cheap. Those chop shops that part out new kits on eBay are your friend for Traxxas parts.

Now, you want to talk about a slippery slope to financial ruin, get into vintage RC10s and their expensive NOS hopup parts. Sprinkle in titanium hardware for a sure fire trip to the poor house.

Or scale 4x4 and let the kids worry about paying for their education themselves.

Don't even get me started on my Tamiya addiction.
1/1/18 2:17 p.m.
Your slash looks almost identical to mine.
RC10s were financial unobtainium when I was a kid running cheap Tamiya kits back in the late 80s. Nice to see some things never change.
ultraclyde said:
RC10s were financial unobtainium when I was a kid running cheap Tamiya kits back in the late 80s. Nice to see some things never change.
Me too. When I was a kid, I could barely afford to keep my Tamiya Hornet running somewhat. The RC10 was holy grail stuff for me. Now I'm an old guy with a job, so....RC10 hobby.
I get into the crawler hobby, blow a few hundreds get bored and sell out every couple of years. Im about to buy myself a scale trail truck because i need more projects!
I had no idea RC10 stuff was that in demand - I just sold an RC10 chassis with all the fiberglass and carbon fiber plate hopups, had a slipper clutch, ball diff, etc. Looked like what would have been the factory team stuff from back then. Now I understand why it sold so fast!
In reply to Cousin_Eddie :
I had a Grasshopper. Same buggy. Those things were a E36 M3 ton of fun and impossible to kill.
gearheadE30 said:
I had no idea RC10 stuff was that in demand - I just sold an RC10 chassis with all the fiberglass and carbon fiber plate hopups, had a slipper clutch, ball diff, etc. Looked like what would have been the factory team stuff from back then. Now I understand why it sold so fast!
I love them! I still have a few parts of the rc10ce I got back in 1994 or so, that I’ve rebuilt with a lot of rerelease parts! Same with an old rc10t, and an rc10ds!
but man the slash just works. I have one that is all stock except I swapped in a castle brushless and esc, along with flsky radio. It rips and is as durable as can be. Then I bought a bigfoot 1 to go with it. It is stock brushed stampede with a gorgeous bigfoot body. All I added is a wheelie bar.
New Reader
1/2/18 8:04 p.m.
I love the Slash for how simple and bashable it is. I have a stock motor'd one, and it hangs and can pull my buddy's castle 3800 slash. Gear it up, run 3s if you have to and it's just stupid. 3s and you'll be going through axles fast until you upgrade though. Personally I like the platinum/LCG chassis but you still need to put a little money in to it to make it handle big power.
Hobbyking has great batterys for sale and some times for great prices. The turnigy nano-techs - I've had zero complaints with them and I have a bunch.
1/2/18 8:26 p.m.
Santa brought my 9 year old a Slash with OBA. I laughed maniacally when we turned on the audio. Again when he was doing donuts on our rear deck because the yard had inches of snow. And again when I took it off training mode and saw it at full power in a parking lot. Paddle tires are on the way. Resisting the urge for any more upgrades. And the urge to buy one for me.
Can anyone confirm whether running it on a salt covered road is a terrible idea or doesn't cause hardware corrosion as I expect it would.
Both of my boys, ages 13 and 10, have a Traxxas Slash (well, one is called a "Skully", but I think it's a version of the Slash). They've had them for about 3 years now, maybe longer. Used them a lot at first, but now they've been sitting in the basement collecting dust for at least a year, probably longer. One of them...maybe both, I forget, has a brushless motor, LiPo battery, etc... They like them, but always have other things they're doing. Maybe I'll put them in the $2018 classifieds as soon as I get time to snap some photos.
klb67 said:
Santa brought my 9 year old a Slash with OBA. I laughed maniacally when we turned on the audio. Again when he was doing donuts on our rear deck because the yard had inches of snow. And again when I took it off training mode and saw it at full power in a parking lot. Paddle tires are on the way. Resisting the urge for any more upgrades. And the urge to buy one for me.
Can anyone confirm whether running it on a salt covered road is a terrible idea or doesn't cause hardware corrosion as I expect it would.
I run mine in the salt, but when I’m done I bring it in the house and rinse it till the water runs clear in the basin in the laundry room. Then i spray it down with wd40, and then I let it air dry. Seems fine to me! Still looks new, except for all the gouges in the plastic