confuZion3 HalfDork
6/23/08 11:57 a.m.

So, it was Sunday morning and I decided that my allergies were just way too much to handle. I'd step outside and BAM, my head would swell up like a sponge. Bad. So, my girlfriend says "why don't you take some Benedryl?" Well, I took some (a full, two-pill dose) and went on with the morning.

Now, I've taken Benedryl before. As a matter of fact, I should receive some award from them for best-customer ever. But it's been a while. Normally, it doesn't do anything - not even with the allergies, but I thought I'd try it anyway.

So we went out to breakfast down the street from her house. I took my car and she and our friend went in hers. I had the intention of splitting for a while: going on a bike ride, and working on our new deck. That didn't happen. Suddenly, while sitting and enjoying my French toast, sausage, and homestyle potatoes; the feeling in my whole body dulled slightly and I got really tired. I thought I was having a stroke (I'm 23) but then I quickly realized I was just plastered. It took a while for us to figure out why I was out of my mind, but we pinned it on the Benny-D. I ended up leaving my car there since I couldn't drive and we went back to her house where I collapsed on the couch and took the nicest nap of my life.

Yeah, so that's the story of Benny-D and me. Call it what you wish: Benedryl, Benny-D, Big-B, The Drill -- whatever. That stuff is crazy! I must have had a tolerance when I was a kid because I took it so much. Not anymore!

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand Dork
6/23/08 12:02 p.m.

Yeah I wouldn't drive on cough medicine.

MrJoshua Dork
6/23/08 12:09 p.m.

Benny D is ferocious! A 2 pill dose would make me sleep for 24hrs and wake up tired.

bluej GRM+ Memberand Reader
6/23/08 12:11 p.m.

diphenhydramine, the active ingredient in benadryl, is what is used in all those tylenol PM, advil PM, etc.. medicines. makes you super drousy. so you basically took a double of nyquil.

jrw1621 New Reader
6/23/08 12:20 p.m.

Did your allegies bother you while you slept?

Kind of like banging your thumb with a hammer so that your head no longer hurts.

confuZion3 HalfDork
6/23/08 12:30 p.m.

They always bother me. Even in the winter, or in a desert, or in a clean room. They're bad. They just bother me a little bit less when I'm trippin' (this time at least). Even while I slept, I was happier than I was before when I went outside and wanted to die.

Osterkraut New Reader
6/23/08 2:10 p.m.
MrJoshua wrote: Benny D is ferocious! A 2 pill dose would make me sleep for 24hrs and wake up tired.

And that's different how?

Folks, it's all about the tussin! The tussin the tussin!

MrJoshua Dork
6/23/08 9:07 p.m.
Osterkraut wrote:
MrJoshua wrote: Benny D is ferocious! A 2 pill dose would make me sleep for 24hrs and wake up tired.
And that's different how? Folks, it's all about the tussin! The tussin the tussin!

The difference is now I sleep for about 5 hours and wake up tired.

Twin_Cam Dork
6/23/08 9:36 p.m.
bluej wrote: diphenhydramine, the active ingredient in benadryl, is what is used in all those tylenol PM, advil PM, etc.. medicines. makes you super drousy. so you basically took a double of nyquil.

Best part about NyQuil, aside from that lovely ingredient, it's also 20 proof! Yay!

I always have MESSED UP dreams when I take Benadryl and go to sleep. I mean crazy trippy dreams where everyone's tye-dyed and stuff. It's awesome haha.

hotrodlarry New Reader
6/23/08 9:40 p.m.

What's fun is two pills of "Benny D" and a shot (read cap full) of NyQuil. I had being sick, so I always try to get rid of what's ailing me in the quickest way. Benadryl and the giant freakin' Q does the trick.

billy3esq Dork
6/23/08 9:43 p.m.

I've had to learn how to dose myself enough that I can drive top down during spring (bad tree pollen allergies) and still function.

What works for me is taking smaller doses closer together. For example, rather than the full dose of two 25mg pills every 4 to 6, I'll take a half dose (one 25mg pill) every 3 to 3.5. Doing it this way I can still function. Dr. Hess may be along any minute now to tell me why (or that I'm crazy), but it works for me.

Incidentally, it also seems to help with the drowsyness to not take it close to meal time. Part of your problem may have been eating right after.

Still, every now and then I have to take the mother dose to shut down a sneezing fit that won't stop. When I do, I have about 20-30 minutes to find a spot to crash.

On a side note, Benadryl also makes me irritable. Once, many years ago as a first or second year associate, I was maxing out my dose because I'd been outside at a firm function all day. Besides being generally annoyed with law firm B.S., I came about 30 seconds from shoving a senior partner in a swimming pool for being an @$$ before I realized what was going on.

porksboy HalfDork
6/23/08 10:19 p.m.

Try life when any pain pill (Advil, Tylenol on up) makes you hallucinate. The strongest thing I take is a multi vitamin. The worst trip was when my appendix ruptured and they gave me Demerol post surgery. They told me I ripped the IV and drain tube out of the incision and was running down the hallway. I threw a few nurses around ripping myself back open in the process. I woke up in restraints and strapped to the bed. But not in a good way. I had flash backs from that stuff for about two weeks.

Lesley Dork
6/23/08 10:31 p.m.

"Nyquil – it's the 13th berkeleying step, man" Dennis Leary

Aaaaaaa New Reader
1/27/21 12:17 a.m.

Yea Benadryl, take About ten pills (250mg) an you'll full on trip out. though music sounds berkeleying amazing, I don't recommend doing so. Never a good trip in fact most of the time its An horifying experience, and I mean berkeleying horifyng like literal poop in your pants kind of scary.



Mr_Asa UltraDork
1/27/21 12:24 a.m.
Aaaaaaa said:

Yea Benadryl, take About ten pills (250mg) an you'll full on trip out. though music sounds berkeleying amazing, I don't recommend doing so. Never a good trip in fact most of the time its An horifying experience, and I mean berkeleying horifyng like literal E36 M3 in your pants kind of scary.

I don't think you're a canoe salesman.  Which means you found this thread and figured this post would work in this forum as a first post.

Well done.

Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter)
Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
1/27/21 9:50 a.m.

In reply to Aaaaaaa :

Sorry, but this is all I can think of when I see your username. 

Appleseed MegaDork
1/27/21 10:13 a.m.

Can I nickname you Flash?

Carbon (Forum Supporter)
Carbon (Forum Supporter) UltraDork
1/27/21 5:17 p.m.

Yall need some real drugs. 

Dusterbd13-michael (Forum Supporter)
Dusterbd13-michael (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
1/27/21 5:21 p.m.
Carbon (Forum Supporter) said:

Yall need some real drugs. 

I tried most of them. 

Most people DON'T need real drugs....

Peabody UltimaDork
1/27/21 5:23 p.m.

In reply to Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter) :

Not me

Carbon (Forum Supporter)
Carbon (Forum Supporter) UltraDork
1/27/21 9:18 p.m.

I guess my point was a large dose of psilocybin will change your definition of "trippin". 

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