The vehicle is a 2000 Ford Windstar with the 3.8 V6. We've owned it since about 80,000 and it is now almost to 130k. About 2 months ago the voltage regulator in the alternator (factory original I believe) blew. Thankfully the alt is right on top and in the front so it takes longer to get to the belt tensioner than it does to actually pull the alt.
Anyway, about 4 weeks after replacing the alt, with an AutoZone/Duralast reman unit, the regulator blew again. Both times it has happened at startup. Of course I was able to get the alt replaced under warranty but we lucked out both times in that this happened at home.
So, any ideas what may be causing this? Because it has happened at startup I'm wondering if there is something in the ignition system causing it. If I had to guess I would say the plugs and wires are probably factory original.
Yep, buying rebuilt units from Adzone. Very common.
You probably could rebuild the alternator your self, or just replace the voltage regulator.
That was my first thought but the fact that the original and this one both died the same exact way makes me think there is some other underlying cause. I just don't want my wife to get stranded somewhere because of this thing.
Make sure all of the connections are good.
The generator warning lamp is in the pre-exititation circuit and acts as a resister when the ignition is switched on.
During cranking, with sufficient current flow through the lamp, the pre-excitation current causes a strong enough magnetic field to initiate the necessary self-exitation.
"quoted from my Bosch Automotive Electric Systems book.
Don't know if that will help.
I would say it's the crap Autozone parts. I had the same problem with my E250. According to the counter guy at the local Autozone the failure rate on alternators in the 10+% range.
i went through 2 of the autozone remans before finally upgrading to a duralast gold all new one. the first one ended up getting a stuck brush a week after install, the second one the regulator went on the fritz and would spike to 16+volts above 3k rpm a couple weeks later.
The best thing to do with an alternator is to find a shop that specializes in them. They will test all of the components and repair as nec. Much cheaper than a rebuilt from Adzone.
OK, they are guaranteed. You still have all of the pain and suffering of returning it and replacing it.
iceracer wrote:
The best thing to do with an alternator is to find a shop that specializes in them. They will test all of the components and repair as nec. Much cheaper than a rebuilt from Adzone.
OK, they are guaranteed. You still have all of the pain and suffering of returning it and replacing it.
I agree. I just had the 61 amp alternator on my F-100 rebuilt to put out 140 amps for the same price as a chain parts store 61 amp reman. The same shop rebuilt my RX-7 alternator for under $40 5 years ago.