turboswede wrote:
Oh and Canadian's can't really ask us that after Rob Ford and all of the horrible Canadian "musicians" you've lobbed over the border at us.
Because of the mayor of one of our cities? Who was removed? Good luck with that compared to all the corrupt, drug smoking mayors running youse guys cities down there that get re-elected even after having gone to jail
Pales in comparison lol
HiTempguy wrote:
turboswede wrote:
Oh and Canadian's can't really ask us that after Rob Ford and all of the horrible Canadian "musicians" you've lobbed over the border at us.
Because of the mayor of one of our cities? Who was removed? Good luck with that compared to all the corrupt, drug smoking mayors running youse guys cities down there that get re-elected even after having gone to jail
Pales in comparison lol
Yeah, but how long did it take you guys to pitch him into the street after it was discovered just how off the deep end he was? Don't get me wrong, it was awesome to watch. Best TV show to come out of Canada since Red Green. :)
At least here we tend to get rid of the ones caught red-handed pretty quickly. The rest are good enough to hire/work with people to keep their illegal activities and stupidity hidden from the vast majority of mouth-breathing voters.
pres589 wrote:
This thread reminds me that I really do need to keep working on a successful move to Europe.
I hear Greece is looking for a few good men.
6/17/15 11:36 a.m.
In reply to Basil Exposition:
If they had projects that I could work on, and I get paid with cash, I'd be down for that. I've heard a lot of Americans that got stationed there in the past talk about liking it a lot.
Everybody always thinks that yesterday was better than today. We need to change that thinking around as it will collectively get us nowhere.
pres589 wrote:
In reply to Basil Exposition:
If they had projects that I could work on, and I get paid with cash, I'd be down for that. I've heard a lot of Americans that got stationed there in the past talk about liking it a lot.
I think you should do that.
6/17/15 12:02 p.m.
pres589 wrote:
In reply to mtn:
In a job I turned down a few months ago, in Netherlands, I was offered five weeks vacation plus ten or twelve holidays (not sure which, kind of academic at that point). I think there were a few sick days thrown in as well. I turned the job down because of a simply insane non-compete agreement. Long story.
Become a UPS driver.....ours gets around 8 weeks off per year.
I currently get 3 weeks off a year, but if I stay put for 3 more years, I'll max out at 4 weeks+1week sick leave.
6/17/15 12:08 p.m.
SVreX wrote:
Fueled by Caffeine wrote:
use t3h googles
I did.
Use your words.
Le sigh.
First thing: the Prez does not run this country; he/she is a figurehead and convenient target. It's run by Congress, which goes after money like a catfish attacks a turd. Local politics has more to do with the average person's life than the Feds.
That said, I don't see a really good figurehead in any of them, with the possible exception of Jeb Bush. Even though I don't care for family dynasties, either.
pres589 wrote:
This thread reminds me that I really do need to keep working on a successful move to Europe.
As others have posted, Europe isn't all its cracked up to be.
Just wait until the Germans lose $100bil to Greece. That sounds like a swell ROI from the gov using its citizens money.
Curmudgeon wrote:
like a catfish attacks a turd
you win today sir. I will employ that phrase in my own vernacular from now on.
6/17/15 12:41 p.m.
mtn wrote:
SVreX wrote:
Fueled by Caffeine wrote:
use t3h googles
I did.
Use your words.
Le sigh.
That's the same article I linked to previously in this thread.
It says they earned millions AFTER their presidency, not during.
Less sighing, more reading.
6/17/15 12:52 p.m.
In reply to HiTempguy:
I don't remember a time when I suggested Europe was perfect (I knew I should have stayed out of this thread). I continue to notice that my personal take on politics is out of alignment with the place I live in, and I would like to try somewhere new. Apparently that is something others cannot comprehend?
Can we get back to Trump and his funny/tragic/joke's on us presidential ambitions?
6/17/15 1:04 p.m.
SVreX wrote:
mtn wrote:
SVreX wrote:
Fueled by Caffeine wrote:
use t3h googles
I did.
Use your words.
Le sigh.
That's the same article I linked to previously in this thread.
It says they earned millions AFTER their presidency, not during.
Less sighing, more reading.
Uhh... Then color me confused by your comment to iggy. Was he not saying that presidents make crazy money after their presidency?
And to be fair, free housing, transportation, food, healthcare, and a $400,000 salary, and a $200,000 pension with free healthcare afterwards is pretty crazy money by just about any standards.
I'm really, really busy today & won't have a chance to post anything before this goes off the rails and someone gets nominated for the patio.
So let me just place this here for now.....

6/17/15 1:26 p.m.
In reply to pres589:
Move to Puerto Rico then......all the benefits(even more so) than being in the US for the simple tradeoff of not worrying about politics or voting. 
Apparently he stated something about other candidates having rooms that were too large with broken air conditioners. Because his room was the right size and had working AC, he is the most capable of taking on ISIS.
"And I can tell you some of the candidates they went in, they didn't know the air conditioner didn't work. They sweated like dogs." Trump ... How are they going to beat ISIS?" ..."
6/17/15 1:26 p.m.
In reply to mtn:
No. Iggy was not saying they make money after their presidencies. I was. He said they make crazy money by becoming politicians.
My point, "People don't generally get rich as president, but they do from their book deals , etc after the presidency".
His point, "Yes they do", but I haven't seen any evidence.
And $400K is hardly "crazy money" to be the leader of the free world. In fact, it's pathetic as a CEO salary.
6/17/15 1:29 p.m.
wvumtnbkr wrote:
Apparently he stated something about other candidates having rooms that were too large with broken air conditioners. Because his room was the right size and had working AC, he is the most capable of taking on ISIS.
"And I can tell you some of the candidates they went in, they didn't know the air conditioner didn't work. They sweated like dogs." Trump ... How are they going to beat ISIS?" ..."
I hear you.
But I think he was saying they are too stupid to get the berkeleying air conditioner in their own office fixed, how are they gonna outsmart ISIS?
But you are right. It doesn't connect well.
Like I said earlier. He's a buffoon. He'll fit right in.
In reply to SVreX:
See, and I see Sanders as someone that's too honest, and that quality makes him a target for jokes or no coverage by news/media outlets. But what's actually wrong with what he's saying?