It's very hard. How do I machine it?
I have a tungsten guide rod in a pistol that's too heavy to still be legal in the USPSA's production class. But the stock rod (even packed with melted lead) is still lighter than my max legal weight. So I need to either find something heavier than lead to pack the stock rod with, or some way to drill out about .8oz from the Tungsten rod.
What says GRM board?
Make friends with someone who has an EDM machine.
I understand tungsten powder is available. Can you fill your stock rod with that?
Fill the stock one with gold?
Wonkothesane wrote:
Edm is the way to go. Normally tungsten is ground into shape, afaik. We use tungsten-carbide as the alloy for a lot of our cutters in the CNC machine.
[Monty Python] Tungsten Carbide drills? What the bloody hell's tungsten carbide drills?
You're all bloody fancy talk since you left London. [/Monty Python]
(Sorry, I have nothing useful to add here.)
How big is the hole in the rod? Could tungsten shot from a duck hunting shotshell fit?