2/15/13 5:09 a.m.
Some advance scouts from a close-pass meteorite make a suprise visit to Russia. This is one reason there are so many dash cams in that country.
Article here: http://rt.com/news/meteorite-crash-urals-chelyabinsk-283/
2/15/13 5:23 a.m.
The lack of driver commentary in that video is the funniest thing I've seen today. Of course it is not quite 5:30AM, and I've only been up for a half hour or so.
of course Mother Russia claims to have shot it down... it will be a matter of hours before they release a picture of a shirtless Vladimir Putin personally aiming the missiles and pushing the button, thus saving the lives of millions of helpless Russian people and proving that Russia is the best country evar.
Decepticons are coming !!!
Thank god Russians do love dash cams. Its also funny how in some shots the busy traffic is not phased at all by what is happening.
2/15/13 8:35 a.m.
In Soviet Russia, stones get YOU.
novaderrik wrote:
of course Mother Russia claims to have shot it down... it will be a matter of hours before they release a picture of a shirtless Vladimir Putin personally aiming the missiles and pushing the button, thus saving the lives of millions of helpless Russian people and proving that Russia is the best country evar.
Summary here: http://english.ruvr.ru/2013_02_15/Russian-MP-blames-meteor-shower-on-US-secret-arms-test/
Disclaimer: Not sure about the trustworthiness of the source.
So how long before Tehran and Pyongyang claim it was their glorious meteor gun raining terror from the sky?
Notice how these things only happen over Russia?
novaderrik wrote:
of course Mother Russia claims to have shot it down... it will be a matter of hours before they release a picture of a shirtless Vladimir Putin personally aiming the missiles and pushing the button, thus saving the lives of millions of helpless Russian people and proving that Russia is the best country evar.
Am I the only one who has a hard time believing they could launch a volley of missiles at a meteor moving 30 km/second having no forewarning whatsoever and still manage to register a kill?
Also, I saw no missile vapor trails in the videos.
I think Russia is covering up some piece of classified technology failing spectacularly.
2/15/13 9:43 a.m.
kazoospec wrote:
So how long before Tehran and Pyongyang claim it was their glorious meteor gun raining terror from the sky?
They probably already have.....
From the CBC:
"Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a nationalist leader noted for vehement statements, said "It's not meteors falling. It's the test of a new weapon by the Americans," the RIA Novosti news agency reported."
2/15/13 9:58 a.m.
Could we change this thread title to something more appropriate?
"Meteorite Explodes Over Russia - Funny Dash Cams Ensue"
Instead of some specific region that most people don't recognized?
2/15/13 10:08 a.m.
PHeller wrote:
Could we change this thread title to something more appropriate?
"Meteorite Explodes Over Russia - Funny Dash Cams Ensue"
Instead of some specific region that most people don't recognized?
Keeps the riff raff out......who doesn't know what tunguska was? It was a meteorite air burst explosion that looked like a nuclear device went off.
Still better then Zooooom Kaboooommmm...

2/15/13 12:20 p.m.
In reply to aircooled:
Ahh, the alien sasquatch hunting expedition.....
Is there a law is Russia that states "If you own a vehicle a dash cam must be installed and recording at all times"?
No, but there is a very serious problem in Russia with people pulling auto related scams (jumping in front of cars etc). Because of this many people have cams running all the time to capture such attempts. When the scammer sees the camera, they quickly give up.
So yes, there are a LOT of dash cams in Russia, and as you may have noted, a lot of the events / stupidity they see gets posted.
yamaha wrote:
In reply to aircooled:
Ahh, the alien sasquatch hunting expedition.....
I'm pretty sure that was something else. If this had been like Tunguska, there wouldn't be any dash cam videos.
Ian F
2/15/13 2:09 p.m.
sobe_death wrote:
I'm pretty sure that was something else. If this had been like Tunguska, there wouldn't be any dash cam videos.
Yes. In the early part of the 20th century, a large meteor exploded over a remote area of Siberia. The ground results were similar to a massive atomic blast.
(hence why the OP called this "part deux")
aircooled wrote:
So yes, there are a LOT of dash cams in Russia, and as you may have noted, a lot of the events / stupidity they see gets posted.
Interesting... I've wondered why there seems to be a lot of dash cams in Russia... makes sense.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
From the CBC:
"Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a nationalist leader noted for vehement statements, said "It's not meteors falling. It's the test of a new weapon against the Americans, but ended up failing which injured 1000 Russians" the RIA Novosti news agency reported."
This also makes sense, however they would not admit that.
aircooled wrote:
No, but there is a very serious problem in Russia with people pulling auto related scams (jumping in front of cars etc). Because of this many people have cams running all the time to capture such attempts. When the scammer sees the camera, they quickly give up.
So yes, there are a LOT of dash cams in Russia, and as you may have noted, a lot of the events / stupidity they see gets posted.
For the past several months I have seriously considered installing front and rear dash cams. I thought I was ahead of the curve for once.
2/15/13 2:48 p.m.
What kind of understanding of the cosmos did laypeople have in 1908? Seems like giant objects exploding in the sky and raining destruction would be somewhat more concerning if you didn't have any knowledge of their origins and it appeared to be some sort of terrible magic.
2/15/13 2:52 p.m.
In reply to alex:
I was just too remote, it took awhile for people to actually figure out what happened. A tunguska size blast would wipe NYC off the face of the earth.....
Also, in 1908 if anyone cared about it, they probably blamed it on the Communists....
If the thread title hadn't referenced Tunguska, I wouldn't have read it :) That is cool.