In Europe, it appears that cars like the Corvette need to have separate rear turn signals and brake lights and they are modified for those markets. Here in the USofA, they use the same bulb. Same with a lot of trucks. However, a few years ago, it seemed that vehicles started going to separate turn and brake lights (GM trucks for instance). But now that trend is reversing again. Why? I happen to like having separate turn and brake lights, but not sure if it is styling, wiring, cost, or regulations driving the decisions. Anybody here know?
Partly regulations and partly styling. Many countries mandate a separate yellow/amber light for an indicator, the US doesn't.
Cheaper blinker fluid costs if they put everything in one small capsule... 
In reply to Klayfish:
Duh...I knew it must have been that. Non-synthetic probably too. 
I use only the finest in full-synthetic blinker fluid.
In reply to Sky_Render:
Dangit...i was just trying to post that too...
10/19/12 2:51 p.m.
lol, I think the changes in the pattern on us spec cars from single to one of each and back is mainly due to having the supply of one or the other available at that time.
I wouldn't be surprised to find out they have both kinds made ahead of time to clear other markets.....
I think if I had a vette.. it would be cool to switch the tails to the eurostyle.. and not just the lenses
I think every car should have amber turn signals.

or at least seperate turnsignals
GM fought legislation in the 70s that would have had amber turn signals mandatory in the US, because they could save money per car by having fewer bulbs and colors.
IMO, turn signals should be amber, for many reasons. (Reason one: That truck in the lane next to you, being tailgated by another one - did he tap his brake or is he going to change lanes right in front of you?)
Also IMO, we should just ditch US regs and go European for lighting. European lighting is dictated by engineers, not lobbyists, and most of the cars sold in the US are also sold in Europe (at least in theory) so there'd be economies of scale involved.
The 2010-2012 JDM Mustang* has an amber element in the three-bar taillight:

I don't know how the 2013's are configured.
*Ford officially sells Mustangs in Japan now. I'm just as surprised as you that I can say "JDM" and "Mustang" in the same sentence and not be describing an American ricer or fleaBay part.
It's not JDM because Ford is not domestic to Japan. It's JEM - Japanese Export Market.
And, of course, it is truly outrageous.
my 86 Camaro came with the amber lamps standard.. what's the BFD?

Who in here was talking bad about me? 
Be glad our 'betters' across the pond don't force these on us:

Trafficators are the way to go . . .

I like amber turn lenses. Remember when old German cars had a "pinkish" tail light to differentiate it from the brake light?
drsmooth wrote:
novaderrik wrote:
my 86 Camaro came with the amber lamps standard.. what's the BFD?
Metallica Rules!!!!!!
i had the stencil, so it got used.. also, notice the custom badge i installed in the driver's side tail light..
novaderrik wrote:
my 86 Camaro came with the amber lamps standard.. what's the BFD?
You must be the mullet king 
^ LOL I see what you did there 
Yea, but now we have amber signals on the side of the car.
I've noticed a couple of small SUVs / crossovers (Kia Sorento maybe?) lately that have turn signals ONLY in the bumper and not with the rest of the tail lights up on the corners. It seems really dangerous and bad - I closed the door on one of them as they were trying to change lanes because I was looking at their tail light cluster and it wasn't blinking. I looked down and sure enough, the bumper light was blinking. I would have thought that it was a bulb out but then I saw another one doing the same thing.
I'm surprised they passed US DOT regulations like that. It's really bad.