OK I have yearly exams like clockwork. But last december I turned 40. Now, in the past the "exam" meant a little closer relationship with the doctor than I am really comfortable with. I mean, he's a handsome man and all but I'm just not into all that.
THe question is... how "personal" does this get now?
The worst part is feeling 2 hands on your shoulders turning the exam.
4/19/16 2:21 p.m.
When he pulls out the rubber glove, ask him to buy you dinner first.
I much preferred the colonoscopy to the prostrate exam, FWIW.
40 isn't anything special. They turn up the anal probing at 50, or 48 if you have a family history. I do. My probing begins in July.
I will tell you that if you are planning to purchase term life insurance - get in fantastic shape before the nurse gets to your house or plan to pay thru the nose. 40 is the point where they start expecting people to die and they charge accordingly.
Check to see if he's wearing rings.
Maybe even if he's wearing a watch.
Giggle and say "Is that all you've got?" He wouldn't look at me the rest of the appointment.
Bend over, lean against the table and relax. It's no big deal and takes about five seconds.
Hell, I am 30 and scheduling a colonoscopy for later this year. Dont feel too bad.
(I have a bad family history)
I adopted a girl and it was mandatory that I get a physical before the final adoption approval. I procrastinated and turned 40 and then went.
My doctor ends my exam with; now that you're 40 years old......rubber glove snap.
Remind him of the new advice of dropping digital rectal exams and PSA tests. Or at worst, get a nurse named Helga to do it.
My doctor says that if I keep taking vitamin D and iodine there is no need for a colonoscopy. He also doesn't freely hand out a prescription just because I'm there.
Apexcarver wrote:
Hell, I am 30 and scheduling a colonoscopy for later this year. Dont feel too bad.
(I have a bad family history)
I'd had 5 or 6 before I turned 40. It's really not that big a deal.
4/19/16 4:10 p.m.
trucke wrote:
My doctor says that if I keep taking vitamin D and iodine there is no need for a colonoscopy. He also doesn't freely hand out a prescription just because I'm there.
Uh.... I'd find a new doctor. Or at least go to a different one and get a colonoscopy.
All the bones I've broken have started to hurt in the cold since I turned 40. I never would have guessed you could get an ache in your sternum.

The first thing I thought of when reading the title.
As the others have said. Know it's going to happen going in, doesn't take more than a few seconds, you'll be fine. If you're really creeped out by it (and you shouldn't, it's a doctor, that's what they are supposed to do), remember that 5 seconds of "discomfort" and embarrassment, is better than ignoring and risking much worse alternatives.
Also remember: it's uncomfortable for your doctor as well. Just picture all the trainee med students on "exam day" practicing on one another. 
Just don't ask why you can feel both of his hands on your shoulders during the prostate check.
Is there some magical switch when you hit 40? I forget. I don't recall anything special.
You have been seeing the same doctor regularly and are happy with him, just go and have it done.
Colonoscopy and digital rectal exams are for two different things.
Women doctors have smaller fingers! My previous doctor was an ex football player...not fun. My current doctor is a woman and it makes a difference. 
Just do it, no big deal, your health is more important.