Hey all you techies! Can someone assist me here? I am looking to be able to watch TV and play X-Box 360 on something other than the main television in the apartment (it wakes up my broseph when he has to sleep during the day). I like the prospect of a new flat-screen TV, but my budget slider bar is set on "save" for the next few months. I almost bought a 35" LCD for $375.00 but that deal is gone now.
Here's my proposition: I have a computer with Windows XP, 1.5 Gigs of RAM, a decent hard drive, and an AMD 1.8 Ghz processor. What should I look for in a TV tuner that will allow me to watch cable TV, maybe in HD, and hook up my X-Box 360 (preferrably with component HDTV cables)? My monitor is pretty good and I watch hulu.com / southparkstudios.com TV shows on it all the time comfortably.
My ex-girlfriend has a Vista machine that came with a really good TV tuner. She was able to view menus that showed what was on each channel, record TV, and they looked better than the crap that the cable companies' boxes give you.
Discuss. Don't worry about the budget for this discussion.