I like this video. These guys are professional photographers that follow the drift scene. Their flight got cancelled so they were stuck in the AA terminal at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.
They didn't destroy anything and security saw what they were doing and didn't really bother them because they didn't find what they were doing to be a threat, but apparently some people aren't happy about what they did.
Honestly, I think it's funny.
Traveler Frank Myers wasn’t amused either. “If this were all staged on a set, I’d be laughing right now. That’s staged in a public arena, and they’re costing money for us travelers, and I don’t care for it at all.”
This guy is probably 60-75 years old and still believes firmly that tighty whiteys are the way to go. I think it's funny and if I was sitting in a terminal all alone and had my camera on me, i would have done the same. People need to relax, the only real concern is the beer incident, which is no threat to the airport, the planes there, or any passengers.
The "angry people" responded poorly. If they had said: "We thought it was an amusing response to an unfortunate situation so we allowed them a little more access than your usual passenger" everything would have been OK. It would have made the drift guys look like they only goofed off because they had permission and hurt their credibility making the stunt less appealing to future stuck passengers. PR should be easy.
6/16/11 10:44 p.m.
Some of it was funny, some of it wasn't.
No, they didn't destroy anything, but trashing a restroom then venturing into a restaurant's kitchen area and "buying" a beer (with no employees around) seems a bit over-the-top.
And why would this bother security? They get to harass and feel-up airport patrons at will - no big deal for them.
6/16/11 10:45 p.m.
Legen .... wait for it ........ dary 
Wow...I've always wanted to sneak a beer
Haha awesome.
I love how everyone is so uptight anymore. For berkeley's sake, it isn't the end of the world. 
360s on the escalator handrail FTMFW!!
6/17/11 6:09 a.m.
I'm not at all surprised that there are folks out there that are all bent out of shape. I didn't find it funny, but it was in NO way wrong or inappropriate. The beer thing may have been theft technically, but if that's all they did I doubt any owner or manager would press charges.
And sliding down the escalator handrail is epic.
6/17/11 7:33 a.m.
Lets just hope this does not get them on a TSA "no-fly" list.
I tried to swipe a beer in PHL once. They have locks on the taps. In fact - you can't even get into the little kiosk because there is a huge metal portcullis they pull closed. I can't believe the texans are so trusting.
93EXCivic wrote:
Haha awesome.
I love how everyone is so uptight anymore. For berkeley's sake, it isn't the end of the world.
Exactly. Some of it was stupid (trashing stuff isn't particularly cool), but handstands on the train, racing wheelchairs (all of us would likely resort to that in the same situation) and stuff is just good fun.
It sucks that nowadays it seems people are always looking for something to get pissed off about.
It seems more & more that people are just finding any reason to complain. Frankly I find it sad. So what if a couple guys have some fun, if it doesn't hurt anyone in anyway why should it bother you? It shouldn't, let it be & go complain to your therapist on how insignificant you feel & how everyone should be as miserable as you.
6/17/11 8:56 a.m.
I've been in an airport for extended periods of time before, and I only wish I could have conjured up that kind of fun. methinks one of my drift RC's will be coming on my next flight.... just in case. That'll be fun to explain to the TSA anyhow, sorta like the time I got searched for having a black box with a bunch of cables coming out of it in my carry on (it was my ps2).
6/17/11 9:05 a.m.
What to have some fun with TSA?
Try taking through some dummy cell phones. These are those phones that they put on tethers at the in the stores. They look like phones but do not work. Even better, the have a metal weight inside so that they feel the proper weight which should look interesting via xray.
Not me but a co-worker once had these confiscated at the airport since they could not be turned on. That was years ago. In this new age of "terror" I bet they would freak!
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
I tried to swipe a beer in PHL once. They have locks on the taps. In fact - you can't even get into the little kiosk because there is a huge metal portcullis they pull closed. I can't believe the texans are so trusting.
I also have to wonder if someone from the restaurant was in on it - I don't see how anyone could have left a well stocked bar unlocked and unattended when there were still passengers allowed in the terminal.
In reply to MadScientistMatt:
Yeah-seems fishy.
That was the best "I'm Bored" project I've seen in a long, long time.
Am I wrong for wanting that kind of free time to goof around?
MA$$hole wrote:
It seems more & more that people are just finding any reason to complain.
These people are known as "funsuckers"
They have a deep seated fear that somewhere, somehow, someone might be enjoying themselves and they feel the need to stop it.
If you ignore them and just keep doing it, they will go away.
6/17/11 9:53 a.m.
In reply to Trans_Maro:
If you read the article, it's clear that one complaint is from a "funsucker" who has image concerns for the airport. Another notes the lackadaisical security that ignores possible trespass and theft. The latter is more an issue than the former.
But, hey, if that's all OK with you, when can I visit your place? I can't wait until I have a chance to wander through your house, open random doors, trash your bathroom and steal a beer.
If I ignore you when you complain, you'll just go away. Right?
Based on my personal history, I would have been shot by TSA within the first 45 seconds. Why can't I ever get away with anything?
Much ado about nothing. yawn.
oldsaw wrote:
In reply to Trans_Maro:
But, hey, if that's all OK with you, when can I visit your place? I can't wait until I have a chance to wander through your house, open random doors, trash your bathroom and steal a beer.
I had arranged for you to come to my place so I could give you a ride to California, made you take off your shoes and do the hokey-pokey, looked through your socks and underwear, took a photo of you (maybe even naked), shot x-rays at you, and charged you a few hundred dollars for the privelege, THEN cancelled your trip and said "eh, I'll take you to California tomorrow, you'll have to stay here for the next 6-8 hours." I think I'd at least show you around the place and let you take a dump. I'd probably even buy you a beer.
6/17/11 11:27 a.m.
In reply to Tom Heath:
Thanks for the generous offer, Tom! I'd certainly take you up on the beer offer and really appreciate access to your bathroom. But, you're customer-service-oriented and I'm respectful enough to ask about restrictions.
Those are crucial elements apparently absent in the video, entertaining as it may be to some - and parts of it were.
escalator 360 was the best part=]
and the wheelchair racing obviously lol