But its being "strongly condemned", so I guess we're okay. Since when did attacking another country's embassy and murdering its ambassador stop being an act of war?
Looks like a good place for carpet bombing.
When you are already strung pretty thin fighting other wars.
That's a helluva horrible thing. About carpet bombing etc (which I definitely support when indicated): Was this an act of the government or of individuals on their own? Big difference.
So what is the film that offended Islam and caused all this? And how does murdering an ambassador compensate for this?
spitfirebill wrote:
So what is the film that offended Islam and caused all this? And how does murdering an ambassador compensate for this?
How does bombing Afghanistan make up for Pakistan harboring Bin Laden?
Just go back to American Idol and Dancing with the Stars. Nothing to see here. /sarcasm
spitfirebill wrote:
So what is the film that offended Islam and caused all this? And how does murdering an ambassador compensate for this?
I think it was Kung Fu Panda II.
I always hate to hear, "nuke em." almost ran over a sign on the says if the highway that said that after 9/11. Any idea how long that radiation flags in our atmosphere?
Carpet bombing. I can support that.
Our dear POTUS is snubbing Netanyahu to appear on Letterman. Eastwood has it right, a gutless empty suit is currently occupying 1600 Penn Ave.
RossD wrote:
In before the lock.
You never know... the pitbull thread started as a page 1 train wreck but lasted the better part of a week.
Fickle are the wielders of the hammer. They work in mysterious ways.
I heard that it was just an internet movie. It's a good thing that we don't make a habit of whacking people over here based on all the crap on YouTube.
9/12/12 7:55 a.m.
This was a massive failure on the part of the intelligence commmunity. As soon as the video started picking up views on YouTube in Arab countries we should had contractors or special forces on all US installations across the mid-east.
All it takes is a few radicals to ignite a mob, a riot to bust down a gate, and the radicals then have free reign to our men and women in the foreign service.
Hang on a mo, why carpet bomb the country? This is a horrible, disgusting and cowardly act, but it’s not the Libyan governments fault, nor that of the average person in the streets there. Chris Stevens was well liked from what I can tell by most people over there, especially the government as he stuck his neck out last year to support them when they were rising up against Gadhafi.
If a group of Libyan’s had made a video of Jesus womanizing and ordering torture then posted it on YouTube and a group of Christian fundamentalists had got pissed off and stormed the Libyan embassy here in the US and killed their ambassador, would that give Libya the right to carpet bomb Washington DC?
The Libyan government is appalled and calling the protestors cowards themselves. Come off it, not everyone in every foreign country automatically represents the government and all the people in that country.
Libya's Prime Minister Abdurrahim el-Keib apologized "to the American people and the government, and also to the rest of the world" for the "cowardly criminal act." The deputy minister has also made strong statements against it. These people worked with and owed a lot to Stevens. They are humiliated and embarrassed about it.
Oh, and I know foreign nationals don’t matter to most people over here, but there were Libyans killed too. This was a stupid, fundamentalist mob that did something horrible, barbaric and cowardly, this wasn’t Libya as a whole. Loose the isolationist 'everyone who’s not American is bad' view guys.
Edit: double post deleted
In reply to Adrian_Thompson:
First off, I seriously doubt Christian fundamentalists would go storming the Libyan embassy over a Youtube video. As I recall, no one was killed when "The Last Temptation of Christ" was released nationally in theaters, but that may be a digression.
I'll believe the Lybian government is "Sorry" when whomever did this is punished accordingly, but that won't happen. Also, if they were so outraged, where were the troops/police while this was going on? IF someone was storming their embassy in Washington, and the police/military failed or refused to intervene, they would rightly assume it must have at least tacit government approval.
Actually a group of people did throw Molotov cocktails into a theater in France over The last temptation, injuring 13, severely injuring 4 of those. Also Christian fundamentalists have killed people, but all that is beside the point.
I honestly believe that the Libyan government are appalled by this. This guy was a friend and a helper to them. The country is trying to rebuild itself in the post Ghadafi years, and this is the last thing they needed. I refuse to believe in tacit approval, I'm sure that Police were moving in. Mobs can and do get ugly and do horrible things. I wouldn't be so sure no one is going to get tried for this, they need to show the world they are serious.
It says in the article that the Libyan government has vowed to hunt down the perpetrators. It will be interesting to see if they really do.
Something has to be done to protect our citizens from these whack jobs that think because they are insulted it gives them the right to kill innocents. Heck I have been insulted many times but you don't see me in the street with an AK and a RPG. Maybe it is a matter of needing a bigger "stick" in some of these areas where people are hostile to our officials and not be afraid to use it. Here lately it seems like there is little we can do to protect our own over seas because we do not want to start an incident even at the cost of our peoples lives. I am sorry but the second someone starts firing on a consulate their should be an armed response to take out the threat. No calling it in to ask permission from the empty suit, just swift decisive action. This policy should be known to the countries that house our embassies and maybe then they will take some responsibility for the actions of their people.
Wasn't it just last month there was an attack on US embassy workers in Mexico? I believe some were shot even by the Mexican police or something.
Look, if this had happened in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt (where there were protests but they didn’t turn violent) or many other countries, I would have been 100% on board with at least tacit, probably directly provoked by someone in power. But not the current Libyan regime.
rebelgtp wrote:
It says in the article that the Libyan government has vowed to hunt down the perpetrators. It will be interesting to see if they really do.
Not holding my breath, see Pakistan/Bin Laden for reference.
Alot of two faced governments out there, I see no reason to think Libya is any different. Libya is still pretty unstable that I could see parts of their government still despise America and westerners.
"We are going to hunt down the perpetrators" winks to civilian population
Edit: I am not suggesting carpet bomb them, but I sure don't trust they will hunt down anybody.
And the Libyan government has been soo helpful and transparent in the past. They always mean exactly what they say to us. (now where is the sarcasm font when you need it)
Here's something else I saw on the internet:
Apparently President Obama can’t see Egypt and Libya from his house. On the anniversary of the worst terrorist attacks ever perpetrated on America, our embassy in Cairo and our consulate in Benghazi were attacked by violent Islamic mobs. In Cairo, they scaled the walls of our embassy, destroyed our flag, and replaced i
t with a black Islamic banner. In Benghazi, the armed gunmen set fire to our consulate and killed an American staff member. The Islamic radicals claim that these attacks are in protest to some film criticizing Islam. In response to this, the U.S. embassy in Cairo issued a statement that was so outrageous many of us thought it must be a satire. The embassy actually apologized to the violent mob attacking us, and it even went so far as to chastise those who use free speech to “hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.” (Funny, the current administration has no problem hurting the “religious feelings” of Catholics.)
But where is the president’s statement about this? These countries represent his much touted “Arab Spring.” How’s that Arab Spring working out for us now? Have we received an apology yet from our “friends” in the Muslim Brotherhood for the assault on our embassy?
It’s about time our president stood up for America and condemned these Islamic extremists. I realize there must be a lot on his mind these days – what with our economy’s abysmal jobless numbers and Moody’s new warning about yet another downgrade to our nation’s credit rating due to the current administration’s failure to come up with a credible deficit reduction plan. And, of course, he has a busy schedule – with all those rounds of golf, softball interviews with the “Pimp with the Limp,” and fundraising dinners with his corporate cronies. But our nation’s security should be of utmost importance to our Commander-in-chief. America can’t afford any more “leading from behind” in such a dangerous world. We already know that President Obama likes to “speak softly” to our enemies. If he doesn’t have a “big stick” to carry, maybe it’s time for him to grow one.
If I could figure out hot to hotlink a photo, I would post up a photo of Mohammad.

Stupidest thread I have read on GRM.
Maybe send some if these guys over.