Bill, I've got a little something to send your way. What's the direct PayPal link if that is the preferred method to avoid fees?
Bill, I've got a little something to send your way. What's the direct PayPal link if that is the preferred method to avoid fees?
bbbbRASS said:Bill, I've got a little something to send your way. What's the direct PayPal link if that is the preferred method to avoid fees?
Oh man, much appreciated! It's "willgrow" and the number 3 (all one blob) at the yahoo mailz dot the comms
WonkoTheSane said:Hell yeah!
Quoting because this is exactly what I said when I woke up this morning to check our balance sheet.
If my math is correct (and I have the bank roll to fix it if it isn't), we are now $978.63 away from the full price of that ambulance!
We have now broken through the $1000 barrier. \m/
My fellow Grassrooters, we now have only $632.51 to go!!!
The ambulance is now moved to the purchasing man's house. The Pathfinder has named itself and is now called "Aleksandra" ("Protector of man"). Aaaaaaaaaaand, I had dinner with the folks at P4U on Sunday. The official vehicle count for this convoy is 12, and three of those our ours! \m/
Right now we're trying to work out how we're going to keep this convoy together. 12 rigs is a LOT to try to keep organized, and not all the drivers are experienced. We're discussing splitting it into smaller groups with one experienced person leading and following and then putting the two least experienced people in the middle
This is insane... definitely more to follow.
WonkoTheSane said:In reply to Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) :
I regret that I have but one like to give..
Oh man, that's perfect
For what it's worth, we're still helping out Pickup4Ukraine. My location is slightly northwest of where they usually operate, as such a 40-minute drive for me is a 1hr and 40min drive for them. I just went to look at a potential Mazda Pickup (4x4, diesel, etc), but it wasn't up to snuff. I gave them a full report though and the ball is in their court to make a move if they decide they're interested.
This is kind of one of those things where we think WE'RE busy when we get close to a run, but these guys still have 4 vehicles to purchase and that run date isn't getting any further away.
Here's our weekly update and it's already outdated, a man named Kirk donated $21 which brings us "danger close" to being in the $500 territory \m/
(Thank you Kirk!!!!)
I can not possibly explain how my brain can not fathom that all of this is real. I just don't have the words to express how impossibly "Grassroots" this all is. Gary from the 1st Medical Battalion just wrote and the guy is over the moon at the idea that he's actually getting an ambulance!!! He's asking how we did it, and I just can't find the words to accurately translate it into "non-forum" language for the guy!
Bill, I just donated towards the ambulance fund but PayPal apparently didn't include the note I attached. Just wanted to let you know it came from a GRM board denizen.
Same here. A little more is headed your way. I also got excited and failed to mention that it's for the ambulance.
In reply to stuart in mn, and DarkMonohue:
Guys... 🥹
That did it.
I've done the math... checked it twice...
We are FUNDED!!!!!!
We're buying an ambulance!!!!
An actual AMBULANCE!!!!!! 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼
Hungary Bill (Forum Supporter) said:
Deficit: $1362
Nothin for it now but to push that fundraiser out and hope it opens some doors! \m/
Just sent some cash your way.
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