Woof guys. Apologies for the slow week last week but I am still 100% behind and absolutely buried in disorganization at the moment. I had some big news from the weekend so I wanted to make sure I posted this today:
Ladies and gentlemen, the Kisgorbo shelter has closed its doors. As of this typing, the one remaining mother and her 3-year-old daughter will be relocating to another housing option. Mayor Kozma came to Papa to deliver the message personally and with him he brought some gifts. One was a commemorative poster and frame he had made. I'm afraid a screenshot will have to do for the moment, as any attempt to save the photos from google drive is absolutely crashing my e-mail account for some reason:
Many beers and much whiskey was consumed as we discussed the reasons for the closure. The first and foremost was of course the cost. Mayor Kozma (Gabor) was very appreciative of this forums continued efforts to help him fund the operation. Without it, keeping it open and operating would not have been at all possible. Unfortunately as the school building is listed as a "commercial" building, things like electricity, water, and sewer are exponentially more expensive when billed. Add in the cold weather we have coming, and keeping the doors open was never going to be possible.
There is also a bit of a political challenge involved as roughly 30% of the building is co-owned by two neighboring villages. The mayors in those villages have placed their ownership for sale but without Gabor's knowledge. Only when the real estate agents and lawyers showed up, was the news brought to him. It's unfortunate, but I think we can understand that the finished building that Gabor has worked so hard to construct now has value that the abandoned building didn't when this war started (there is talk of converting it to a Hostel for bikers and backpackers, among other things).
And then there's the maintenance. It's a big BIG building for only two occupants. Rooms, roofs, and living areas all need to be kept up and it's becoming less and less possible to do so. Gabor reported a rodent infestation despite their best efforts to take care of the situation.
I still have one more gift from Gabor to open, and I'll do a much better job of elaborating on everything when it's not Monday, but Gabor does have three more posters printed and ready to be shipped. These will be delivered to GRM headquarters as soon as the two of us are able to coordinate (not possible with the amount we drank that night). Looking to the future, we have Vikki to the rescue again :P We will use any donated funds to our Gmail paypal to fund her "mothers and children" effort. This will now be an "every month" thing instead of rationing out funds on our previous tri-monthly basis.
Most of our other funds don't have much to update, but I do have a date set for my next delivery. This will be to Julia, our adopted medic!
I know we're a close family here and now Julia is a part of it, but for her safety we will be hiding her face. One, if not more, box arrived today. I'm expecting delivery of both her boots and her thermals + socks. I did get the issue with paypal sorted, and the balance being displayed is correct. The issue, it turns out, arose because I thought I was selecting my bank's debit card to pay only for the fees. I must have goofed it up because in addition to covering the fees, my bank card ate the whole amount. I've since fixed it, but the confusion came from the delay showing the positive balance in Julia's account (+$300), paypal still displaying its balance ($300), and USAA not showing the withdraw of funds until almost 2-working days later (which included a weekend). Only now am I un-confusing stuff, so I hope that all makes sense to you. Parallel to that, I was trying to work a different portion of Julia's balance within a gnat's ass to get her as much stuff from North American Rescue as possible. I'll be honest though, for a second there it was looking like I had got a free $300 from Paypal due to their error and the idea of a perpetual $300 balance to keep sending to Julia was sounding mighty tempting.
Anyhoo. I'll get things unwrapped when I get back to the house, pictures saved to a device that wont crash when I try, and post something more coherant tomorrow.
Cheers, guys!