I'm short on time due to some appts I have before work today, so I'm going to type this out "old school". I may be in later with video's + photo's etc. But for now:
What the hell is going on in these photos???
"If a driver is seen at the bar the night before a race then he'd better be drinking what he's chasing: Virgin Mary's"
- Carroll Smith. Lead Engineer, Shelby's GT40 Program.
I don't drink the night before a big drive. Not a track event, and certainly not a Ukraine run. It's not that I'll party all night, but Mr. Smiths words have stuck with me and I now consider it bad luck.
Well, there I was... Friday, night and I'm working the second shift. This normally means I get off at midnight, but around 9pm my office-mate and I noticed we were the last ones in the building. After a quick investigation we both shrugged and decided to depart early as well. This put me home around 9:30 which means Mrs. Hungary was up and the kids were not. Naturally, we're busy with "life things" but we also work opposite shifts so catching a free evening together was something of a rarity.
and, naturally, since we had a bottle of wine on the shelf we decided to drink it in front of the TV.
(dun dun DUN!)
Fast forward to the next morning and I was up at 5:00am, and out the door before 5:30. The truck was put together using all its old parts on Thursday morning, and on Friday I had it loaded up, taken off the battery tender, started, and moved into position. Things were ready.
Except by now you know it can't be that easy. Saying my last goodbyes, I got to start the truck and "click".
I check my battery gauge... it's right in the sweet spot. So I turn the key again, and "click".
Oh, what the heck???
I check my battery connections and both are good. I check grounds, and then I check the connection to the starter (a bit difficult as there's a tight rubber boot over it). Everything is tight and secure.
"click click click click click click..."
No matter how many times I turn the key, or hold the key in the "start" position, all I get is "click".
Once I got a quick "wirr" but it bogs down and stops.
Thinking quickly, I get a 1x1 length of wood and my ball peen hammer. I set the wood on the starter and give it a few good wacks.
"click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click"
Mrs. Hungary is looking concerned.
"Well, the way I figure is we've got two options" I say. "we can take the Mazda orrr...."
"What's the second option" she asks.
"Honestly, I don't know" I respond.
And just like that, we're taking stuff out of the truck and stuffing it in the Mazda.