Alright, it's the day-after-tomorrow now and the generator is slated to arrive today. Unfortunately we did not reach our goal of having a good transmission at this point, but luckily this is a day that Mrs. Hungary has off so I'm able to use her Toyota Auris Kombi to pick the darn thing up.
It took me three hours to get everything removed the day before yesterday, so I'm optimistic that with some early success with the transmission, I can still salvage the day and have something I can call "good progress". First up, I need to scrape all that silicone gasket material off the transmission from yesterday. I also include the current transmission's housings in this endeavor because what I've decided to do is to use the input shaft cluster from the spare transmission and install it on my current transmission. The reason is
1) 4th gear is on that spare input shaft cluster. My spare transmission never had a problem with 4th gear and it's sychro is still completely intact and undamaged.
2) My current transmission never locked itself in reverse when the tail-housing was put on.
So in my mind, mating the best from the two transmissions makes the best sense. Unfortunately, that means tearing them both about 60% of the way down.
Luckily I had a good supervisor there to check in on me from time to time.
Around 9am, my phone rings and its the donor with the diesel generator. On a scale of 1 - 10 of importance, this thing is a solid 10. Dr. Julia has been asking for it for nearly a year now but it's always been out of our reach. He tells me he's meeting the delivery guy at work in about 10 minutes. I tell him to stall as much as possible and that I'll be there in 20. I strip from my coveralls and wash my hands and hop into Mrs. Hungary's car. I'm about half-way to my destination when I get word back from the same guy:
"Well, he wouldn't accept payment with a card. It said on the order that card payment was possible, but he couldn't do it"
We chat a bit, and decide that a cash payment in three days is the best option (this thing is $1500, and we're limited to $500 withdraws a day). I u-turn it and am back to the house by 9:45. In my absence, our geriatric dog has peed in the house. Not exactly the way I wanted to come home, but it's not her fault.
Back in the garage, I'm back to wrastlin' that darn transmission. I have them both stripped down by 10:30 but have to call it quits by 11am.
See, we still have home-life to deal with and Christmas is still coming, I had a HUGE project planned for Mrs. Hungary's Christmas gift. If things had gone normally I would have been back by tomorrow and the boys and I could have worked on it. It's a puzzle table the Hungarlings and I are making form solid maple.
The cuts we could make on our miter saw and table saw at home, but we don't have a planer to make the boards perfectly flat. So before we glued everything together, I dropped all our wood off at a local furniture maker and asked him to do it. Well, he finished a day early which means (you guessed it!) I'm again borrowing Mrs. Hungary's car to go run errands. And since I'm out, it's also time to pick up the kids from school as well. Short version short, I'm able to get back by 2pm.
So here we are and there's no point in building back UP both transmissions, so I focus on the one I'm going to install. And boy-howdy, if you needed any idea of the level of panic and exhaustion that my head is dealing with right now then I think the best way I can explain it is like this:
The WHOLE point of this exercise was to put the input shaft cluster from my spare transmission onto my current transmission. You wanna know what I forgot to put on when I re-assembled my current transmission?
That's right. The input shaft cluster. Like the whole assembly is sitting right next to what I'm working on and I forgot to attach it.
If I had remembered to do what I was supposed to be doing then I'd be putting everything back in the transmission housing right now. Instead, I'm sitting here in a mild panic wondering how I'm going to save this situation. There's no getting around it. I've got to take this darn thing back apart and do it correctly.
So that's what I do. It only takes me 38 minutes for the teardown and build up.
When I get everything together, I slather on the silicone to make the gaskets/seal and stuff it in the tailhousing first.
I have the shifter moved slightly so it couldn't possibly get stuck in reverse (like it was with the spare transmission) but something is wrong when I get it all together. I install the shift lever just to try things out and it's like it only wants to shift between 1st and 2nd gear... I must have missed the slot this thing is supposed to sit in when I assembled it so I try to take the tail-housing back off, only to have it catch on something about 1-inch into the removal.
No amount of prying or hammering is getting this thing to budge. It's like it'll go a little ways, and then it'll just.... stop!
It's like 6pm at this point, and I've been fighting this tailhousing for almost 2 hours. I'm frantic, I'm exhausted, I'm not in the mood, and I should be inside the house with the family and not having temper tantrums because of inanimate objects that refuse to cooperate. I decide enough is enough, and I grab my biggest three-jaw puller. I no longer give two craps about the guts of this gearbox, it's coming off.
I crank down to insane levels of "pull" and finally something inside snaps. It was my reverse lockout assembly. When the housing was installed, it somehow bound in the shift linkage and that's what was preventing me from shifting or taking everything back apart.
(See also: Top left bolt hole on the right housing for the damage sustained from previous temper tantrum)
That's enough for one day. Time to head in. Bill needs a beer and some family time.