OK, there's a better class of Geek on this board so a little geeky quiz for you. I submit:
Exhibit A. a T shirt with the words "I believe!, Don't eat me"
Exhibit B. The following exchange. "Jesus", "actually no, the name is Gaia, Hillman Hunter"
I know many of you should know it, but how up to date are you???? Go too it geeks :)
I was not aware there was another in that series...
Is it up to par?
Still working through it, but so far it's on track. Different author obviously.
Well done BTW, but I need the full info to declare you the winner of absolutly nothing
Just cheking the latest topics and noticed this was last updated 42 mins ago..
I have no idea whats going on here.
Gearheadotaku wrote:
I have no idea whats going on here.
"And another thing" is now the sixth book in the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" trilogy. Douglas Adams the author of the first 5 book of the trilogy died in 2001. Eoin Coulfer (author of the massively popular Artimus Fowl series) took up the mantel and wrote 'And another thing" as a continuation of the series.
This delightfully geeky corner of the web is always making references to the H2G2 books in cryptic ways, this was my childish attempt to inform people that there was now a 6th book out. I'm loving it. Same characters, same silly plot line with interesting social commentaries on today's life to make you think. Plus lot's and lot's of geeky flash backs to the original books and other H2G2 lore.
Highly recommended by your official Brit.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Still working through it, but so far it's on track. Different author obviously.
Well done BTW, but I need the full info to declare you the winner of absolutly nothing
It's a little late for me to do that, as you've already spilled the beans 
It was the "Hillman Hunter" that did it for me, though - the fact that it was a car, but also a character name, combined with the fact I had never heard of such a car (leading me to believe it most likely british), led me in the right general direction. 3 minutes of googling later, and I had found the h2g2 entry on the sixth book.
ReverendDexter wrote:
It was the "Hillman Hunter" that did it for me, though - the fact that it was a car, but also a character name, combined with the fact I had never heard of such a car (leading me to believe it most likely british), led me in the right general direction. 3 minutes of googling later, and I had found the h2g2 entry on the sixth book.
Eleventybillion out of 10 for deduction abilities
a sixth book??!!! I had no idea! gonna pick that up soon. Better than Vogon poetry.
In reply to Adrian_Thompson:
I got a copy from Amazon along with the newest Terry Pratchett discworld book.
egnorant wrote:
In reply to Adrian_Thompson:
I got a copy from Amazon along with the newest Terry Pratchett discworld book.
Yup, read unseen academicals, good but not as goos as going postal and Making money, they were classics