Susquehanna River at Harrisburg forecast to crest at 20 feet by 12:00 PM Saturday.
For those not in the central PA/Captial area, all of south Harrisburg (including my place of employment), some of midtown Harrisburg, a couple low-lying suburbs, the Market Street Bridge (a main route to cross the river), and US Route 11/15 on the opposite shore from Harrisburg are all below that.
The last time flood waters got that high, it was winter 1996, and part of a bridge got carried away and the flooding caused millions of dollars in damage.
Waiting for the flooding here in Vermont.
Been raining here for 3 days.
At least my cistern is full
I drove the truck to the backyard to get the trailer. It got stuck.
You never want to see the look on your neighbors face as you are winching your truck out of your back yard with your Jeep.
That's why I wait till they go to bed to do it.
3/10/11 10:07 p.m.
Dayum. I know that area pretty well - drove 11/15 about once a month for 3 years back 15 years ago - 93-95 - and have been that way for annual vacations to Hersheypark the last 5 years. Stay safe and on the high ground.
Yeah, the Conestoga was getting up there the last time I saw it. I can only imagine what the Susquehanna looks like!
Here, my road is getting a little "lakey" lol
3/10/11 10:39 p.m.
Well... at least the rain of the last two days melted the big snowfall we had on Tuesday. 
Around here if the river crested the banks it would do $100 of improvements...
(Credit to "The Office" Ricky Gervais version for the inpiration....) 
thankfully living on the shore, when the rivers exceed their banks.. it simply flows into the ocean.. but all the little creeks and stuff around here are certainly making their presence known
3/11/11 10:40 a.m.
Lesley wrote:
Well... at least the rain of the last two days melted the big snowfall we had on Tuesday.
That is NOT a good thing. I am planning on skiing the March Break with my kids. It can rain in about 2 weeks all it wants.
21.5 feet forecast now. Woooo!
Some rich people's McMansions just around the corner (and down a hill, obviously) from my apartment are getting raped by a creek, too. I need to get pictures of all this.