Is it just me, or does the forum look funny to everyone else as well?
It got really wonky for me too.
I am getting bad gateways or terrible formatting. I was afraid my IT dept was on to me.
For some reason, it's not serving up (at least one) .CSS file it needs to. That's why it's looking wonky.
This must be the new updated forum software 
See Also: Thread on main GRM forum page
i THOUGHT we had until 6pm?
11/10/11 3:30 p.m.
I'm on the mobile site right now on a desktop. I miss everyone's avatar. 
11/10/11 3:36 p.m.
Yeah, it's really messy for me too.
11/10/11 3:56 p.m.
really weird .... have to go hunt for each forum topic when I click on it.... after going and hunting for the forum itself each time..... yeach
everything old is new again
11/10/11 3:59 p.m.
Now it's all skinny and wierd on my laptop.
It's back but the banner color has changed significantly.
change is bad....I fear change
The world is coming to an end, and it's starting here
11/10/11 4:46 p.m.
I predict doom to start at 6pm est.
The end is near.
Asteroid? Forum?? COINCIDENCE???
I think not.
It's narrow. I can stretch my firefox window out to the borders of my HP 27" monitor, and the board isn't playing along.