Unbelievable! In two consecutive days I have seen two different running driving Maserati Biturbos!
Okay I'm not positive that they were both biturbos, The cream colored sedan definitely was, The red convertible was driving the other direction so I didn't get to see its badge, But it was definitely a Maserati from the 80's
Were they coasting down a hill?
Is this related to all of the recent "drunk" threads?
I don't even know how to explain that. Can not compute.
Pix or it didn't happen...
Hell, even with pictures, I wouldn't believe it.
Kinda like saying you saw a duck-bill platypus programming a CNC lathe.
I sense a disturbance in the force.
Spotted in Tucson recently...at a Costco:

Spotted the same day at Outback(picture taken covertly to avoid creeping out the owner):

I felt terribly underclassed in my horribly beat up '90 miata. 
Hey another Tucson member, cool. Oddly enough I've seen a different biturbo driving around last summer. Had a picture but it was on my old phone.
Some nice new engine swap kit came out to stuff something reliable into a BiTurbo?
In reply to Lancer007:
I believe theres another one in Tucson, oldgrey328i or something like that.
I actually had to move for work recently, though I'm still closeish.
6/5/14 7:22 p.m.
Brokeback wrote:
In reply to Lancer007:
I believe theres another one in Tucson, oldgrey328i or something like that.
I actually had to move for work recently, though I'm still closeish.
Tucson - ish here, too. I haven't seen any Biturbos, though.
I didn't realize our little neck of the woods was so well represented here, neato!
You just destroyed any credibility you may have had. If you said one we'd be all like .... maybe he saw something he thought was a bi-turbo ...... ... .. but two?
Get the berkeley out of here.
The 2nd one was a Maserati TC.
Just realized I posted my bi turbo spotting to Instagram last year....and its the same one that brokeback spotted hahaha.
So that's only one confirmed running biturbo in Tucson. There are however two different running Morris Minor 1600 in Tucson. I got pictures of both.
In reply to glueguy:
I was not drunk, intoxicated, inebriated or in anyway impaired.
I can not speak for cars or their drivers.
In reply to Brokeback:
Running XJSes are not hard to find.
There's two Biturbos in their natural state (broken and covered with tarps) not far from me. I don't think I will ever get THAT desperate for a project.
Curmudgeon wrote:
There's two Biturbos in their natural state (broken and covered with tarps) not far from me.
Could be zero mile cars... they came that way right from the dealer.
In reply to HappyAndy:
I think I've only seen a few. This one was in great condition though. Perfect interior except for slight wear on drivers seat; amazing paint. I was just impressed :-)
I have a friend that modified a Bi-turbo and runs ir on track days mostly. basically stock engine, biggest problems were suspension and brakes. Nothing stock there.
6/6/14 10:20 a.m.
I was recently in Santa Monica and saw a BiTurbo running down Ocean BLVD. It was moving under it's own power and sounded good! Could it be they get more reliable with age?
Cotton wrote:
I was recently in Santa Monica and saw a BiTurbo running down Ocean BLVD. It was moving under it's own power and sounded good! Could it be they get more reliable with age?
Sooo, was that before or after you visited one of our many fine medicinal dispensaries???
I saw the red convertible again today, definitely a BiTurbo. Got a pic too. I'll post it when I figure out how to put it in a hot linkable format!