UT Vice Chancellor for Student Life W. Timothy Rogers said:
"This in some ways has tarnished the entire university community, We feel we've got a black eye."
Sure that's not a brown eye?
Really, they began their "probe of the allegations"
What part of this is news worthy…kids doing wacky stuff, fraternity members drinking, college administrators being shocked by it all.
I’m just glad the 0.40% BAC kid didn’t die or anything.

Alcohol enema? That's just wierd.
Why can't they just do coffee and peanut butter enemas like the rest of us?
CNN news truck is parked on campus now. Today show is going to be here next week. The kids dad is telling anyone who will listen that there is more to the story than what the police are saying. Sometimes I hate living in a college town.... but then I remember all the hot college chicks and soon forget about the dumb stuff.
PiKA house always had some pretty wild parties, but I never seen nuthin' like that! 
I think I saw "Butt Chug" in concert once opening for Primus.
9/26/12 6:54 p.m.
The worst part of this story is the fact that these short-bus deliverance rejects are IN UNIVERSITY.
Butt chugging peppermint schnapps could make for some minty salad tossing later. If your university is going to get a brown eye over something... might as well go whole hog.
hazing, alcohol abuse, underage drinking.
how is this news? seems like business as usual. its a college fraternity.
I just don't understand why male hazing frequently involves forcibly doing things to other male's brown eye.
And folks still wonder why I pledged Gamma Delta Iota.
I'll admit I never graduated, but at least I never had to put up with any of that kind of stuff.
The colon absorbs alcohol into your blood stream much faster than your stomach. In fact, I don't get hangovers. I just stay drunk until I take a dump. Seriously. Because the body doesn't process all the alcohol in my stomach, so it goes to my colon and continues to enter the blood stream.
Inlaws visiting this weekend. Maybe I need to pick up an enema bag to use with the bottle of tequila I bought tonight?
N Sperlo wrote:
The colon absorbs alcohol into your blood stream much faster than your stomach. In fact, I don't get hangovers. I just stay drunk until I take a dump. Seriously. Because the body doesn't process all the alcohol in my stomach, so it goes to my colon and continues to enter the blood stream.
Any idea about how that does/doesn't affect determining BAC at a traffic stop? I know you wouldn't drive after something like that, but I suspect that there are other folks who would.
In reply to friedgreencorrado:
Well, since the alcohol gets to your blood stream quicker, Its more than likely a quick drunk. All the same symptoms of your normal drunk except any stomach issues. I would presume it would end just as quickly, but in that time you're high, your BAC is probably skyrocketing.
In many states you don't need a brethalyzer showing high BAC to be given a DUI, you just have to fail the tests. Then you can get pricked with the needle to get the more accurate test.
As for a brethalyzer, likely wouldn't work..
How is this news?
Because buttchug!
Personally I prefer the vodka tonic colonic to the pbr enema. berkeleyin amateurs.
Cone_Junky wrote:
Alcohol enema? That's just wierd.
Why can't they just do coffee and peanut butter enemas like the rest of us?
Peanut butter? You're weird, man.
Jay wrote:
The worst part of this story is the fact that these short-bus deliverance rejects are IN UNIVERSITY.
The short answer is that these guys are in a frat. I suppose that there's nothing wrong with fraternities, per se. Officially, they all say that they are dedicated to "leadership, community service, and scholarship." What must be remembered is that fraternities are just a big group of dudes, and the power of one-upmanship within a group of guys is proportional to the amount of males within the coterie, squared. This story already implies that alcohol was involved.
z31maniac wrote:
I just don't understand why male hazing frequently involves forcibly doing things to other male's brown eye.
You know the difference between a frat boy and a gay guy?
About a six pack.