I lucked into some free cabinets and counter top for the garage a couple weeks ago. I was all excited about the getting it more organized and having more storage place and a work bench so I'm not sitting on the floor trying to fiddle with my little projects.
But, it's all just been sitting out there and I lack the motivation to get it all set up. I hoped to get it done this weekend but I just can't get up the gumption to go out there and get it done.
Get another car for the garage and you'll want those cabinets/counter up and out of the way in no time. Other than that, drink lots of beer and get to work. 
I've been in your shoes for years.
It finally pissed me off enough to do something about it when I realized how dangerous my shop had become. And when I could no longer use any workbench or tool without first moving 28lbs of E36 M3 outta my way. And even then I could only use a small portion.
There's now a build thread on my shop.
Well, laid around all weekend and not only didn't get that done, but, didn't get anything done. Nothing at all. I feel so useless. Blah.
7/13/15 7:56 a.m.
You been feeling alright? That sounds suspiciously like you got other demons you be wrestling.
Do you think you'll be in that house for a long time? If not, it's hard to get motivated to do a project that may be wasted time and energy . . . although those cabinets would appeal to a prospective buyer.
Ian F
7/13/15 9:25 a.m.
Welcome to my life. Four cars that need work... a hosue that needs renovating... bike parts I need to install... a shed that needs to be replaced so I can store the DS bike I'm planning to get...
And the only thing I seem to get done is riding... I have now ridden one of my bikes for at least an hour each day for 14 days straight. 18 days to go and I complete the July challenge posted by my local bike shop (and get a $100 GC).
I'm always unmotivated until I get up and move.
Last weekend I was going to put some antenna wires in the Crown Vic. By the time I was done, I installed two caxial cables with mounts, one 800 MHz antenna, one 144/440 MHz antenna, one 2m HAM radio hardwired, RCA wires from the dash to the trunk, remote wire from the dash to the trunk, and a new comressor with three horns attached.
I guess you could say, I'm a lazy motherberkeleyer before I get carried away.
7/13/15 9:35 a.m.
My solution to these kinds of problems is a manageable to do list that I accomplish every day and a great espresso machine + grinder.
I don't know. While I was on "vacation" a couple weeks ago, I said to myself that when I get home I'm going to be more proactive when I got home. Do all the things that I have been wanting to do, and be more on the ball with stuff I had to do. But, I've completely went the other way. I have let the yard slide, did my laundry but left it laying in the basket and haven't put any of it away. I have plenty energy at work but when I get home I can't bring myself to do anything. I haven't even cleaned the bike since getting back, an that's usually done once a week religiously.
While the house is a rental, we plan on being here for at least several more years. But, when and if we do move I'll be taking the garage stuff with me.
7/13/15 10:26 a.m.
Similar situation for me. Mine right now is due to being stretched thin between family health issues, long days with 2 hours of commuting, no time for hockey or working out, and trying to plan a wedding when I don't care about anything involved with it other than the people there and the music (seriously, I can identify about 3 flowers. This is not my place to be making a decision or even helping to. Ask my mom, she may care, I don't). Then the big one, I'm 90% sure I have either sleep apnea or a thyroid issue. Had the thyroid issue checked out by a doc, he says it is fine, but to look at it again in about 3 months or so. The sleep apnea is because I'm overweight--I'd like to fix that the natural way, but with the lack of time, it is hard. I think I'm going to start riding my bike to the train and on the way home go for about a 5 mile ride every day. If I haven't lost any weight or improved my sleep by October, I'm going in for a sleep study though.
In reply to mtn:
Get tested for sleep apnea sooner rather than later, it'll kick your butt w/o you knowing what the berkeley it is. They have home tests now so no overnights at clinics anymore. My 47 y/o BIL just got diagnosed w/ the home test and it was a severe case. Contrary to what many believe obesity doesn't necessarily cause sleep apnea. Sleep apnea alters your metabolism and causes obesity. I was finally diagnosed in my mid thirties, shoulda been five years earlier from what I know now but I put it off. Fell asleep behind the wheel twice, missed out on a lotta life cause I was always exhausted.
Just do it.
I used to feel like that a lot.
Drink a huge glass of water and wait 10 minutes. Seriously, the missing energy is amazing if you are dehydrated at all. Also, I find that once I start its easy to keep going, but hard to start.
90% of the work is just showing up, right?
The heat gets me unmotivated too. Now it's like you have to be a night owl to get comfortable. I've gotten better with my additional time in TX but I'll tell you right after I had my first bout of heat exhaustion, I just don't feel like doing crap in the heat.
Otherwise, I would have had the barracuda all running and the garage cleaned up and the shed built. Instead, I have the engine next to the barracuda, The garage has a lot of barracuda parts all over, and the ground just got cleared for the shed.
I always find the first 15 minutes to be the hardest. Once over that, I can keep going without an issue. Just gotta force yourself out there.
Ian F
7/14/15 1:09 p.m.
Gearheadotaku wrote:
I always find the first 15 minutes to be the hardest. Once over that, I can keep going without an issue. Just gotta force yourself out there.
Not me. My Adult ADD seems to have gotten worse over hte last few years. I have trouble concentrating on anything for more than 15 minutes. Drives me effin' nuts.
I've seen this thread in the list for a while, but I couldn't find the motivation to click on it. :D
I've discovered that I'm a morning person that happens to be most productive in the evenings. Which translates to limited success in getting projects done.
7/14/15 2:16 p.m.
In reply to mtn:
fasted58 is right - although obesity can be a contributing factor to sleep apnea, it is not the only cause. If you have a large neck, you are likely to have it, etc.
What happens is you stop breathing and your body goes into fight/flight mode:
- It dumps a bunch of adrenaline into your bloodstream
- It jacks up your blood sugar
- The two above are so you are ready to act
- It wakes you up
So welcome to hypertension, diabetes and being constantly tired. I was waking up on average 33 times a minute.
My CPAP made all of that go away.
7/14/15 7:55 p.m.
fasted58 wrote:
In reply to mtn:
Get tested for sleep apnea sooner rather than later, it'll kick your butt w/o you knowing what the berkeley it is. They have home tests now so no overnights at clinics anymore. My 47 y/o BIL just got diagnosed w/ the home test and it was a severe case. Contrary to what many believe obesity doesn't necessarily cause sleep apnea. Sleep apnea alters your metabolism and causes obesity. I was finally diagnosed in my mid thirties, shoulda been five years earlier from what I know now but I put it off. Fell asleep behind the wheel twice, missed out on a lotta life cause I was always exhausted.
Just do it.
I hear a second from Reggie White...