1/20/11 12:00 p.m.
Ok, this one is a tougher one and I'm relying on our friends from the other side of the pond to help.
My life-long friend is a missionary in Ghana, has been for the last 3 years and will be 'till he's too old to do it anymore. Currently he's driving some small, tinny Opel 4-door with a Suzuki 1.7L TD. The car is falling apart because of the roads over there. So, he's looking for a car that has the following attributes:
1. 4-door
2. Tough
3. Reliable
4. Economical to run
5. Diesel
6. Has a raised ground clearance, not an SUV but just higher than a Camry (or can be raised a little bit).
7. $3500 US
This does not need to be a 4X4. One major consideration is that he has to be able to get parts for it somewhat easy. This is a tough one because i don't know what's available in Africa. He plans on buying the car here where I'll lift it a few inches, fab sump guards for the boxes and get it in tip-top shape and I'll ship it over there.
Here's what I had in mind.
W123 or W124 300D. He says those are failry common over there and another missionary has had one in the country for 20 years. He says that's unheard of. Over there cars are classified by how long they've been in the country because of the toll the conditions take. His Opel is almost dead in 3 years (not new when he purchased it though).
Jeep XJ 2WD (to save on purchase price, complexity and economy). He doesn't think they are too common over there but his experience (and mine) with the 4.0L and AW4 are superb and he thinks it would be ok.
Chevy Astro minivan, don't know how common they are but I think they are reliable and simple.
He thinks Subaru's would be hard to get parts for or I'd be thinking outback.
I did some research on the MB's and its pretty easy to get an additional 2 - 2.5 inches of clearance.
So, what would Jesus' helper do?
The W123 are tanks. I have heard the automatics are not the strongest though.
Suzuki offered lots of small ute/trucks with their 2.0L diesel engines. They offered the Vitara/GrandVitara with that engine and those are extremely tough little critters.
1/20/11 12:10 p.m.
Just tell him to get a Hilux and call it a day.
Mercedes W123 or some sort of Japanese 1980s appliance, I would think. There's a reason why you find a lot of those in Africa.
Yup. Hilux/Tacoma. If it is tough enough to survive use as a Technical, it is tough enough for missionary use. Add a topper to keep stuff in the bed out of the rain.
I think Hilux is always the answer to a question like this the way miata is to cheap sports car questions. Best off roader ever.
1/20/11 9:02 p.m.
The Hilux is out of his price range from what I've seen.
And the Wranger Rubicon is the best off roader ever.
1/20/11 9:34 p.m.
I too thought Suzuki when reading the criteria. Vitara derivative.
Here is a choice! 1.8L w/ 5 speed
I am not really sure what is offered in Ghana but scanning through the website above I see newer Nissan Frontiers, Ford F150's, etc.
Check out this Mistsu Diesel.

How many GH¢ do you want to spend?
In re-reading i see that the answer is $3,500 which is about 5200 GH¢
Calculator: http://coinmill.com/GHS_USD.html#GHS=5200.00
1/20/11 9:48 p.m.
I'd say w123 or a hilux/ landcruiser. I don't think a w124 would be durable enough though. I don't know what other cars are around there that we didn't get here though.
Diesel Golf? maybe a VW expert could chime in on it, but the MkIIIs seem pretty durable.
Diesel VW probably fails on the price requirement, the MK2/Mk3 is easily lifted and can take alot of off road abuse, but you would have a hard time finding anything other than a diesel rabbit for $3500 that isnt complete junk. TDIs (97+) need timing belt changes at 60k that require special tools and a computer to do properly.
1/21/11 7:05 p.m.
Travis_K wrote:
I don't think a w124 would be durable enough though.
Watch this then edit you comment sir.
Well i guess they are pretty resistant to being blown up or being run over by monster trucks, but I still dont think the OM606 diesel is as durable as an OM616 or 617, and i dont think the w124 is as good for driving on really bad roads.
1/22/11 6:36 a.m.
I can't argue with you since I only have exposure to the W124. But I think it's durability and reliability is pretty amazing. To compare it to one of the Japanese or American cars would be so lopsided it would be silly.
1/25/11 12:41 p.m.
BTW, thanks a ton for coming up with the ghanaweb links. I think he's avoiding vehicles already there because of the limited life of a car that's already there. I think that wouldn't apply as much to a sturdy vehicle like a truck or similar.