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Karl La Follette
Karl La Follette Reader
11/3/08 10:16 a.m.

hey going to the hunting camp to hunt up some hogs . My buddy that lives round there says 3 big 200 pounders are using the place pretty good . I have been using burnt motor oil in wallers and th e pigs just love it I am guessing they are related to Sarah Palin or her daughter or something . Anybody else going hunting or have old traditions for scare up some game ?


Xceler8x GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
11/3/08 12:19 p.m.

I'm going to try to get a handle on this..

Wallers = a place where pigs go to "waller" in the mud right?

How is burnt motor oil being poured in wallers helpful? Does it allow you to track the hogs easier?

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand Dork
11/3/08 12:54 p.m.

I am culturally sensitive and will not make jokes.

Marjorie Suddard
Marjorie Suddard General Manager
11/3/08 1:23 p.m.
Xceler8x wrote: I'm going to try to get a handle on this..

You're way braver than I am. I just opened the thread this morning, read it, and then just walked away...


Karl La Follette
Karl La Follette Reader
11/3/08 2:02 p.m.

They dust and roll around in dug up pits of sugar sand ,, sorta like having a jello wrestling or spaghetti wrestling event . They love burnt motor oil i guess it keeps their skin from bugs and dry skin . Fresh oil aint no good , you just pour some on the ground and the hogs will do the rest . I will bring my video camera and get a shot before I put the bead on a Thanksgiving hog .

Marjorie Suddard
Marjorie Suddard General Manager
11/3/08 2:35 p.m.

Proving that first instincts are usually right....

Karl, did you know it takes very little oil to cause significant groundwater contamination?


JG Pasterjak
JG Pasterjak Production/Art Director
11/3/08 2:39 p.m.

If you were that close to the hog when you took the picture couldn't you have just shot him then?


EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
11/3/08 2:41 p.m.
JG Pasterjak wrote: If you were that close to the hog when you took the picture couldn't you have just shot him then? jg


Wally GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
11/3/08 2:44 p.m.
Karl La Follette wrote: Anybody else going hunting or have old traditions for scare up some game ?

I use this and haven't come home empty handed yet

Xceler8x GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
11/3/08 3:00 p.m.
Karl La Follette wrote: They dust and roll around in dug up pits of sugar sand ,, sorta like having a jello wrestling or spaghetti wrestling event . They love burnt motor oil i guess it keeps their skin from bugs and dry skin . Fresh oil aint no good , you just pour some on the ground and the hogs will do the rest . I will bring my video camera and get a shot before I put the bead on a Thanksgiving hog .

Ok..I'm getting there...

You pour the oil into the sand, aka the 'waller', and the pigs like that spot even more. A bit like the old guys who used to plant corn in fields to draw out the deer before hunting season?

Do you guys use rifles on the hogs? I know down south, like parts of Georgia, those things can wreak some havoc on crops.

I was driving to FLA once and saw a black barrel turned on its side beside the interstate. As I got closer I saw that the barrel had hair and legs. It was a black boar that was freaking huge. Someone must've totalled out a Hummer hitting it.

some sicko trivia - pigs were used in nuclear testing in the 50's. Seems that pigs have the same skin type as humans. They get sunburnt, bit by bugs, etc. The nuclear flash burns on pigs were similar to humans. That's where most of our data on nuclear burns to human skin comes from.

alex Reader
11/3/08 3:13 p.m.

Hogs are big big problem in the areas in which they've gone wild. (Hogs Gone Wild: Spring Break Edition!) They're very smart and tenacious as domesticated animals, and they go feral very quickly when they get loose. And they'll basically grow as big as their environment allows, so if they have a steady source of food, they just keep getting bigger. They wreak havoc on crops and feed for other animals, and they've been known to breed with domesticated hogs, producing offspring that's unusable to the breeders. And, the area in which they're causing trouble only continues to expand exponentially. Conservation departments in most areas in which they've begun to pose a problem have declared open season with no limits, such is their degree of nuisance.

Big ones are real bastards, but I understand they're fun to hunt. And I know they're damned good eating. My boss wants to get a few (but we're city folks, so it's hard to find time to get out there) but I have dibs on two: one I will roast whole, Cuban style, and the other I'll break down. Boar is really delicious.

Wish I could help you with hunting tips, Karl, but when you get one, I can help with cooking suggestions.

cwh Dork
11/3/08 6:42 p.m.

There are only two critters that I would like to go hunting for. Gator and wild hog. I have seen what evil things both can do, so no thoughts about poor bamby or any thing. My wife's dad hunted for hogs, back in the day. Would marinate the meat overnight in Old Stag whisky to get the gamey flavor under control. Yeah, I want to do it. Too bad the only gun I have is a puny Makorov 9mm.

Marjorie Suddard
Marjorie Suddard General Manager
11/4/08 6:54 a.m.

No bambi whining here... more worried about the burned motor oil poured all over the ground.

We had a wild hog tearing up the neighborhood here for the last few weeks. Neighbor took care of it, and the only complaints I heard were people good-naturedly grousing that they didn't get any of the meat.

We also have a flock of around 40 wild turkeys that have made the area home; several of us are watching and waiting, and I've had a few speculative discussions with my neighbors about when they'll get to be good eating size.


porksboy HalfDork
11/4/08 7:25 a.m.

I too wonder about pouring burned motor oil on the ground. We have wild turkeys on our place also. The feathered kind and the kind in a bottle. Also have 2 Hawks, 3 Owls, a herd of 9 deer, about 1,000,000 squirels and a few thousand rabbits. The squirels and rabbits wind up in the stew pot on a regular basis.

Karl La Follette
Karl La Follette Reader
11/7/08 12:41 p.m.

Margie we use spray bottles and coat the hogs as they come through like a car wash then we shoot them .
We actually made a waller out of recycled Billboard material We dug out a pit and made sort of a pond then lined the impression with the banner material it is roughly 14 feet by 25 feet then covered it over with sand and it hold water mud and keeps the oil from ssaturating . The oil 2 QRTS we put in there is allready on the backs of 25 hogs . they had a blast rolling and are sure not to get hog pocks . Common skin diesease in hogs . We also use burlap bags attached to trees for the hogs to rub on . another 2 qrts .
Do not put motor oil on the ground !!

I think that spinach samonella ouitbreak was from hogs crapping all over popeyes finest ?

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
11/7/08 1:17 p.m.

If you're close enough to spray the hog with a spray bottle, why would you want to? I don't understand the point. Once it's there, why not just shoot it? I thought the oil was to attract them.

poopshovel Dork
11/7/08 1:34 p.m.
Margie we use spray bottles and coat the hogs as they come through like a car wash then we shoot them .

I'm confused as well, but for some reason, the above statement just made me laugh to the brink of soiling myself.

Karl La Follette
Karl La Follette Reader
11/7/08 6:25 p.m.

I would stick to using a brush gun , I use a 30-06 5 shot with scope in the stand , but when in the brush running after the hogs i use 352 7 shot revolver . Stabbing a pig like Rambo did in Rambo 1 is pretty scary and only left to professionals and actors .
Hogs will eat you alive !


hawglover244 New Reader
4/22/24 4:55 p.m.

In reply to Karl La Follette :

okay so I know it's been 16 years but I've thought about this at least twice a day for the past several years. I have to know. Why are you spraying these hogs with burnt motor oil. It seems like you are close enough to shoot them, so there's no need for luring. I'm desperate to know just for the sake of knowing. 

- scotty p.p.

4/22/24 5:22 p.m.

As someone who has driven British cars for over 40 years, I cant really say much about oil contamination and the environment. Just happy if I don't walk up to my car and find a hog romancing the thing. 

Curious if they are fussy about oil viscosity? Classic 20-50 or a more modern 0-20?

No Time
No Time UltraDork
4/22/24 6:02 p.m.
Karl La Follette said:

Margie we use spray bottles and coat the hogs as they come through like a car wash then we shoot them .

Do I sense some sarcasm?

Mndsm MegaDork
4/22/24 6:05 p.m.

Of all the NON-canoe'd canoe'd threads people could dredge up, only a Karl thread would deliver like this. 

No Time
No Time UltraDork
4/22/24 6:15 p.m.

In reply to Mndsm :

I got sucked in without looking at dates 🫤

Mndsm MegaDork
4/22/24 6:30 p.m.

In reply to No Time :

I only knew because Karl hasn't been around in a hot minute, and the last time he was, he's calling himself something else and I didn't realize it was Karl. Racing Tear-offs or something like that now. 

NickD MegaDork
4/22/24 6:42 p.m.
Mndsm said:

In reply to No Time :

I only knew because Karl hasn't been around in a hot minute, and the last time he was, he's calling himself something else and I didn't realize it was Karl. Racing Tear-offs or something like that now. 

Pretty sure he got banned under the new name because of the weird, mildly spammy threads he was making. I'm glad this one got dredged up though, because, ho-lee E36 M3.

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