Vacuum cleaners suck. Compressors blow. I need a washing machine that does neither.
Looking for currently available washing machine that does do the following and are not budget busters. I dont need 12 options, just 1 setting would be great, called clean.
1) remove driveway residue thats ground it after an oil change on my back under my car.
2) remove grass stains after a day doing yard work
3) remove plant matter that is stuck to the legs of my pants after some heavy duty weed wacking.
4) remove engine grime from my clothes
5) does not make non gym clothes that accidentally make it into the wash with gym clothes or smelly towels come out smelling like used gym clothes or smelly towels.
I currently have a modern top loader, that fails all 5 of the above. My whites are turning yellow, car and yard work clothes come out looking like they did when they went in. Towels and gym clothes need 4 extra rinses so they dont smell like they have been used for a month the first time they get a bit damp.
I have heard and tried everything, more soap, less soap, different soap, borax, arm and hammer, more water, leave the top open when not in use, extra rinse, extra spin, run fabric softer selection even if not using fab softener, put a towel on top of the clothes to hold them down.....
Its just a poor design. Not enough agitation to clean well, not enough water to carry dirt away (just end up with clean weed wacker residue on you pants), adding more water causes the clothes to float, but then you loose the little agitation there was to start with.
The only good thing is the high speed spin at the end that saves drying time, but it does not make up for the fact that the wash is about 3 time longer than my old machine.
I really wish I replaced the wig wags on my 25 (maybe older) machine instead of buying a new one. I have had the current one for 3 years, and with a broken collar bone, I have not been able to do the stop it and manually agitate for 10 minutes routine, so I have officially had it with this machine and want to replace it with one that does not suck or blow, but does actually clean. Doing my research now for Black Friday sales, but I might not even wait that long....
What do you have and more importantly, does it clean well.