I'll start. I insisted we get married on Valentine's Day - everyone came to the wedding because it's a slow time of the year.
When the preacher asked her "do you you take this man......" I handed her a candy heart that said "I Do" in case she wasn't sure. So far it's all worked out.
2/14/23 7:58 a.m.
"Singles awareness day". We don't recognize it in our house. 31 years of marriage. Her: "I don't love you less the other 364 days."
2/14/23 7:59 a.m.
I'm not up to par this year.
Normally I make a decent showing, but time has gotten away from me.
Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!!
I was good at this but the girlfriend isn't into gifts and such the way the wife was. I have flowers headed to her job, but she had a slow day scheduled and took off. I picked up stuff for dinner and am just sending her awful pics while I'm at work.

Happy 94th anniversary!!
Or is that not the one you're talking about?
We do Xmas and birthdays, maybe the wedding anniversary. Too poor, too busy, too stressed for the rest of the stuff.

We're going to the spa at the dispensary for sativa infused chocolate covered strawberries, infused chocolate facials, mismosa mocktails and a couples massage this evening.
My wife tells me this morning "its valentines day".
really? Oh.
If I need a special day to let my wife know I love her, that means I'm failing the other 364 days of the year. In other words, I'm failing 99.7% of the time. Nope. Every day is "Valentines Day".
2/14/23 9:21 a.m.
I can be, but SWMBO is pretty chill. Saturday morning we were grocery shopping at Meijer and as we passed the card aisle she said "you want to exchange cards and then put them back?"
i wrote my wife a poem this morning:
Craftsman Shop-Vac, made by Sears
Makes dog-vomit chicken and rice disappears
yeah, two things: 1. dog vomit is gross; 2. we don't do valentines
2/14/23 10:09 a.m.
Duke said:
I'm not up to par this year.
Normally I make a decent showing, but time has gotten away from me.
Same here.
I'm not normally good with time, dates, and such, but usually see it coming. It caught me by surprise this year.
PW loves chocolate, so it's easy to look good on Valentine's day, and I somewhat pulled it off, but I was out the door at 7:30 this morning to make it happen, and it just didn't have the same feel as normal.
But I think I made up for it with a lovely rösti, eggs, and fried chorizo

I made dinner reservations for two at my wife's favorite restaurant. That may have been a tactical error since they're for me and a buddy who's visiting from out of town.
Fortunately my wife say that every day is Valentines day at our house. I married well. She may not have.
I bought my wife some flowers and chocolate covered strawberries and we exchanged gifts. We also made a vday basket for the kids.
Last year we didn't do anything, I bought her a houseplant though lol.
Also, we still love each other the other 364 days of the year just as much. Its a day to celebrate love, if you choose to. It doesn't mean you love more today than the other days of the year.
I apparently just missed the mark this year. Can't win them all
I usually spend 100 days a year mocking Valentine's Day as a made-up Hallmark holiday, but I always break down and get her something, this year it's flowers.
It is our "proposal-versary", so it is special to us in that way. Worst proposal ever, btw. I'm a lucky man.
The normal 2-dozen $18.99 roses I buy at Costco all year is $34.99 today. Capitalists.
Being married for nearly 31 years at this point we have some understandings. We've never made a huge deal about specific holidays and instead try to be grateful for things and decent to each other throughout the year. That said I got a nice bouquet of flowers last Friday. They've been on display all weekend and I had a card for this morning. (I'm not crazy...
) I got a special note in my lunch today too!
I wrote a haiku for my wife. I plan on giving here the mini-notebook page I wrote it on.
We got engaged with a steel washer I was grinding into a ring with the original plan to make a second one out of stainless. She still has the aborted project ring on a necklace.
Tiger Mom decided to hike the Sheltowe Trace Trail Challenge this year and in January she was eyeing fancy new backpacks but lamenting the cost.
I bought her one and a few other nifty camping/hiking goodies for early V Day. She's buying me a new pillow today and we're grilling steaks tonight.
We usually have fresh flowers in the kitchen, but new ones arrived yesterday evening. Plus we're going out for dinner tonight.
This Valentine's Day is extra special because it falls on Taco Tuesday.

Old El Paso has you covered! Give your significant other the ol' Stand 'n Stuff.
(I seriously bought these to eat tonight, wife LOLed)
Officially, I do not know what Tom got me for Valentine's Day, but since the items he purchased arrived at the house in very obvious packaging, I know he did a good job. He also made us reservations at a nearby restaurant several months in advance :)
As for my part, I got him a few pieces of wall art for his garage, which I couldn't wait for today to give him and let him open early.
2/14/23 2:47 p.m.
Datsun310Guy said:
The normal 2-dozen $18.99 roses I buy at Costco all year is $34.99 today. Capitalists.
Demand is high. Part of the reason they are $18.99 the rest of the year is that they can afford to make less money the other 51 weeks.
KyAllroad said:
She's buying me a new pillow today.
I saw those pillows and filled out the information but I just can't feel the vibe and order it.