Good Day!
I am trying to quit smoking cigarettes and cigars. I have tried teh "Blu" cigarettes for a while now. They are expensive and a bit of a hassle.
Does anybody on here vape? What are the best systems to get? Which ones are the least hassle?
Any input is appreciated!
Rob R.
Just don't try and vape inside a building because its "harmless" like my co workers
Yes I work for a place that won't ban them because one of the managers uses one.
Also blowing it in my face on purpose because I don't like it is a shiny happy person move.
I am also interested in this, I have heard from a number of people that it is great for quitting but I don't know much about them. I've recently cut my smoking in half but definitely need something more to quit completely.
Giving up one bad habit for another? Not recommended. Jury is still out on the health risks of vaping. Besides, vapers look like bigger dorks than smokers out in public. Those devices are awfully big and folic.
Join a program and use nicotine gum if you need to keep the physical addiction going.
yea, the gum sucks.
I understand that vaping is probably not better.
i do know several people that have bascked down the nicotine usage through vaping and are now smoke free. That is the goal.
I have tried teh patch, the gum, the lozenge, the pills, the cold turkey method... I am trying a new method.
I know you are asking about vaping but you said you are trying to use it as a step to quitting. I smoked for 15 years and tried to quit using all sorts of steps to ween myself from the behavior. If you want to quit you have to just STOP. No "once in awhile", no gum, no nothing. Go cold turkey.
I thought it was total BS until somebody gave me the same advice (He had a great story about reaching rock bottom by fishing butts from an ashtray that still had a few puffs left). You have to force yourself through the withdrawal process and nothing is a good shortcut. Its like trying to lose weight without eating less and moving more. Sure some people have done it with magic pills but you have to change the habit if you want to be successful. If you vape you are still feeding the addiction, in addition to keeping the habits like stopping everyday to buy supplies and hanging out with other people that do it. You get over the nicotine in a few days. Its everything else that's hard.
You have to reach a point where you know you are done. Then be done. Fight through the withdrawal. I know there are people that did it other ways, but anybody I have ever seen quit and stay quit did it cold turkey.

Edit to support this^. Both times I quit nicotine was when I was mentally fed up with the habit. Quit smoking at 19 because of health reasons. Quit smokeless at 38 because of watching Tony Gwynn die at the young age of 54 from jaw cancer. My family deserves more time with me
If you feel you could kick the secondary habit, then go for it.
I gave up smoking 20 years ago cold turkey.
A few years later (dumbass)I got sucked back in to nicotine addiction with smokeless tobacco. The Nicorette was a very useful crutch quitting that a year ago. Although chewing gum was pretty close of a habit to smokeless, so probably why it was effective.
moparman76_69 wrote:
Just don't try and vape inside a building because its "harmless" like my co workers
Yes I work for a place that won't ban them because one of the managers uses one.
Also blowing it in my face on purpose because I don't like it is a shiny happy person move.
i have heard using the wrong charger will cause the e-cig to blow up... such as this... maybe swap his charger out...
I got sucked back in, but when I quit the last time it was down to 3 per day and then quit with the aid of twizzlers..... I am a different case however in that I actually like the taste.
Screw e-cigs and vape contraptions..... they do nothing but feed the addiction under the false guise of doing no harm.
If you do vape, please don't be one of those hipster doofus types who fills an entire room with "smoke" to look cool. Those guys are really annoying. This is not a Motley Crue concert---- we don't need a smoke show at Dunkin Donuts!
Several of our customers in the oil and gas industry consider e-cigs to be potential ignition sources, and treat them the same as cigarettes and lighters: Contraband in the plants.
Joe Gearin wrote:
This is not a Motley Crue concert
You are showing your age. The kids these days listen to Limp Bizkit.
So many of the pipe things look like something Dr. Seuss would draw, I'd be embarrassed to do it in public.
It's also not OK to use those things in my car.
logdog wrote:
I know you are asking about vaping but you said you are trying to use it as a step to quitting. I smoked for 15 years and tried to quit using all sorts of steps to ween myself from the behavior. If you want to quit you have to just STOP. No "once in awhile", no gum, no nothing. Go cold turkey.
I thought it was total BS until somebody gave me the same advice (He had a great story about reaching rock bottom by fishing butts from an ashtray that still had a few puffs left). You have to force yourself through the withdrawal process and nothing is a good shortcut. Its like trying to lose weight without eating less and moving more. Sure some people have done it with magic pills but you have to change the habit if you want to be successful. If you vape you are still feeding the addiction, in addition to keeping the habits like stopping everyday to buy supplies and hanging out with other people that do it. You get over the nicotine in a few days. Its everything else that's hard.
You have to reach a point where you know you are done. Then be done. Fight through the withdrawal. I know there are people that did it other ways, but anybody I have ever seen quit and stay quit did it cold turkey.
No offense but it is likely that if the OP could quit cold turkey he would have and your admonition to run away from alternatives does not help. If cold turkey worked for you, congratulations! I personally tried cold turkey along with every other method for years. What worked for me in less than 6 months, was vaping. It was the only thing that worked and it worked quickly.
To the OP, get a decent setup. Go to a vape shop and keep testing until you find something you are satisfied with. Your don't need to blow clouds or buy a rebuildable setup. Watch out for Chinese knockoffs of popular tanks/mods. Keep the nicotine low, no more than 11-12mg, preferably 6mg. Move down on the nicotine early and often. Once you are on 3mg you can quit with basically no withdrawal. Vape nicotine is not nearly as hard to quit as cigarettes in my opinion.
Your local vape shop likely has a bunch of people posted on the wall who quit. Ask them.
BTW, 20+ year pack a day smoker who quit entirely (no vape) within six months of switching to vape. Closing in on 2 years since my last cigarette.
I am so glad I never started smoking.
10/30/15 7:02 p.m.
I quit cold. No chaser. 2+ years ago. It can be done.
10/30/15 7:15 p.m.
mattm wrote:
No offense but it is likely that if the OP could quit cold turkey he would have and your admonition to run away from alternatives does not help. If cold turkey worked for you, congratulations! I personally tried cold turkey along with every other method for years. What worked for me in less than 6 months, was vaping. It was the only thing that worked and it worked quickly.
To the OP, get a decent setup. Go to a vape shop and keep testing until you find something you are satisfied with. Your don't need to blow clouds or buy a rebuildable setup. Watch out for Chinese knockoffs of popular tanks/mods. Keep the nicotine low, no more than 11-12mg, preferably 6mg. Move down on the nicotine early and often. Once you are on 3mg you can quit with basically no withdrawal. Vape nicotine is not nearly as hard to quit as cigarettes in my opinion.
Your local vape shop likely has a bunch of people posted on the wall who quit. Ask them.
BTW, 20+ year pack a day smoker who quit entirely (no vape) within six months of switching to vape. Closing in on 2 years since my last cigarette.
This, instead of being shiny happy people when someone asks for help offer help or keep out.
I quit cold turkey over a year ago. And stayed quit for a year, gained 40 damn pounds during it all. I need something. So now I vape.
You can spend a lot of time learning about this stuff, but the cig a likes (blu, etc) suck. After a lot of research and trial and error I'll tell you my setup, its a good basic setup and it works well.
iTaste MVP 3.0 battery, its internally regulated so no battery explosions and its adustable wattage/voltage, you want adjustable and you want it to go to at least 15w. Higher wattage more vapor, lower more flavor. I find 11-13w works for my tastes, ymmv.
For the tank/atomizer I like the Aspire Nautalis Mini. Or if you want a larger tank you can go with the Aspire Atlantis. If you are interested in the technology I can talk for hours, if you just want a good setup that's what I'd recommend to start. The Kanger brand tank/atomizers are good as well.
Vape juice is a matter of preference but as noted no more than 10mg nic, and wean lower. Find a flavor you like, a good vape shop will have samplers. I prefer a higher VG content (vegetable glycerine base) than PG (propolyne glycol) but most juices are a mix, the higher VG content stuff makes less vapor but leaves a nice sweet aftertaste.
And if you want to learn more look up GrimmGreen on youtube, he is sadly a "cloudchaser" big vape clouds etc etc, but he does good product reviews and talks about good setups and takes you through what works.
I smoked 1-2 packs a day for 30 years. I quit a couple of years ago using Chantix. I hated that stuff. The vivid and often horrible dreams combined with it making me mean as a snake were not fun, but it got the job done.
I can't offer any advice on vaping. I have a couple of friends that switched to vaping about the same time I quit. They are still using them, basically switching one habit for another. I would be careful using that route.
You have to want to quit first and foremost.
Good luck. It's tough to do, but worth it.
I quit 20 years ago. Four years I bought my "last pack" every other day.
Quit - no more tobacco ever. No cigars, one more, chew, or one puff. Nothing ever again.
Datsun310Guy wrote:
I quit 20 years ago. Four years I bought my "last pack" every other day.
Quit - no more tobacco ever. No cigars, one more, chew, or one puff. Nothing ever again.
After quitting with the help of vaping, I now take my customers to scotch and cigars evenings and I smoke cigars! No desire to slip back to smoking in any way. The fact that I can still exist in the cigar bar environment with backsliding is absolutely astounding to me, but I continue to enjoy being a non smoker.
10/30/15 8:20 p.m.
There are decently documented ways to quit. Talk to a pharmacist familiar with a smoking cessation program. Fwiw the physical addiction part only takes 24-48 hours to subside. The mental part takes longer.
In reply to mattm:
I still have my pipes and and mason jars of pipe tobacco I collected when I was a smoker. I still love the smell and taste of pipe smoke. One day I will enjoy a pipe while sitting on my back porch, but not yet. Maybe after I'm diagnosed with a terminal illness.
oldtin wrote:
There are decently documented ways to quit. Talk to a pharmacist familiar with a smoking cessation program. Fwiw the physical addiction part only takes 24-48 hours to subside. The mental part takes longer.
Yes, you are correct. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the OP may have tried those methods and they may not have been as effective as advertised. A pharmacist is unlikely to recommend vaping which is specifically what the OP was referencing. Other countries are studying vaping while most of our states are trying to tax it as cigarettes. If you don't need it, don't use it; for some of us, it was our way out from under nicotine.