5/27/11 9:36 p.m.
OK, I found this headline and lol'd. I'll have warm beer waiting for you in He!! if you laughed, too.
Barney Frank Admits Getting His Former-Lover a Fannie Position
5/27/11 9:54 p.m.
It was an... entry level position. 
Considering gerbils are Barney Frank's best friend and playmates the Fannie position seems appropriate.
On another note you can thank Frank and Dodd for most of the new mortgage weirdness the nation has gone through. Almost every new and strange rule or regulation, with a few more on the way, can be attributed directly to them.
This went straight to my mortgage facebook page.
OK, I didn't laugh. More like a groan of
Was punny though.
And Lesley,
That was...words just can't describe how bad that was. 
5/27/11 11:17 p.m.
carguy123 wrote:
Considering gerbils are Barney Frank's best friend and playmates the Fannie position seems appropriate.
On another note you can thank Frank and Dodd for most of the new mortgage weirdness the nation has gone through. Almost every new and strange rule or regulation, with a few more on the way, can be attributed directly to them.
This went straight to my mortgage facebook page.
I couldn't care less about Barney's (or anyone else's sexual proclivities) but his "oversight" of the Mac's would be criminal activity in the private sector.
Prison is too good for him, maybe even a reward.
I can't believe they let that headline through...