11/13/13 9:11 a.m.
A while ago (I was in college, so I guess I was pretty young, 22 maybe) some friends and I realized that we could buy as many bouncy balls as we wanted. There are videos out there with the house all full of bouncing. We even had set up TV trays across the room and had them bouncing for the length of the house and back.
11/13/13 9:13 a.m.
tuna55 wrote:
A while ago (I was in college, so I guess I was pretty young, 22 maybe) some friends and I realized that we could buy as many bouncy balls as we wanted. There are videos out there with the house all full of bouncing. We even had set up TV trays across the room and had them bouncing for the length of the house and back.
I think that's my favorite part of being an adult. I can do whatever I want!
11/13/13 9:26 a.m.
mndsm wrote:
tuna55 wrote:
A while ago (I was in college, so I guess I was pretty young, 22 maybe) some friends and I realized that we could buy as many bouncy balls as we wanted. There are videos out there with the house all full of bouncing. We even had set up TV trays across the room and had them bouncing for the length of the house and back.
I think that's my favorite part of being an adult. I can do whatever I want!
Before having kids anyway...
Too grow old is inevitable.
To grow up is optional. 
“We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
― George Bernard Shaw
Yeah, I listen to rock at really high volumes quite often. The other morning when I pulled in I had Cracker's 'Low' playing at WOT, all the punk kids working here were aghast that the old fart would do such a thing.
Come to think of it, I need to play King Missile's 'Detachable Penis' for them someday.
11/13/13 10:39 a.m.
36 here.....am a big scooby doo fan and came seriously close to buying a Mystery Machine painted van, but dude had no title.
Still ride dirtbikes/streetbikes/atvs, etc
Still buy toy cars (and a lot of real cars)
I have an old wrecker, we have 10 acres, and there are many days I go drag cars around in the fields with the wrecker just for the hell of it. I've even managed to pop a wheelie with the wrecker while it had a load on it...that was a blast.
11/13/13 10:43 a.m.
Hah! I drove to the New York auto show with a colleague last year in a Jaguar press car. We were headbanging to the Clash, when we realized the hipsters in the next car were staring, incredulous.
That was an interesting trip, full of fart jokes, dirty songs and junk food. After his story was published in the Star, I got sympathy calls from friends:
Well, occasionally, I will make a mildly incendiary post on an internet forum. 
I'm also reading Tom Angleberger's Origami Yoda series along with my two kids. And I just helped my 8-year old make a chapstick tube rocket launcher. Basically, it's my job to be wacky.
Oh. I forgot that one. I also drift shopping carts around the supermarket.
I also display my affection towards my wife by aggravating her.
Duke wrote:
octavious wrote:
Woody said:
I wave to cows and horses that are standing near the edge of the road as I drive by.
Made me laugh. I moo at cows when I drive by them.
No, no, NO! You guys are doing it wrong. You shout *MOO* at horses or sheep, and you *neigh* or *baaaaa* at cows.
Nope. Sheep are a-holes. They get the finger every time.
Woody wrote:
Nope. Sheep are a-holes. They get the finger *every* time.
YOu might want to re-phrase that
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Woody wrote:
Nope. Sheep are a-holes. They get the finger *every* time.
YOu might want to re-phrase that
I knew what I was saying...
Granted, I'm the old fat guy in the band, BUT I'M STILL IN THE berkeleyIN BAND! lol.

11/13/13 12:00 p.m.
Oh, and every time I drive by a kids sporting event, I shout something. Usually along the lines of GO SPORTS! Or YAY SOCCER!..something absolutely no denominational and generic.
Lesley wrote:
Hah! I drove to the New York auto show with a colleague last year in a Jaguar press car. We were headbanging to the Clash, when we realized the hipsters in the next car were staring, incredulous.
That was an interesting trip, full of fart jokes, dirty songs and junk food. After his story was published in the Star, I got sympathy calls from friends:
"“Aargh!” Lesley cried. I’d just found the automatic massager, and something hard and unexpected was now pressing into her back" Car review or 'Readers tales'???
BTW I make adolescent jokes on car forums from time to time
I started a Facebook group that anonymously mails my cousin hand drawn phallic renderings. We are up to 66 users, or, as I like to call them, members...
It seems our productivity has dropped, though. He is no longer receiving a Dick a Day.
I'm 26.
11/13/13 12:20 p.m.
Still play in a band and race with the SCCA at the National level. I'm 68>
Check this site daily. 66.
Hey there's a McLaren entered at Hallet track day this weekend with a first-time driver and number 12C.
In the last hour?
Ran at a round bale and flipped it like I was hitting a tackle dummy. Moved said round bale on a rear bale spear, popped the clutch on the tractor and tried to carry the ensuing wheely across the yard. I'm 46.
I get my vehicle sideways at least once a day.
I still try to "Rick-Roll" people....
I just turned 30 last month.
Whenever SWMBO is changing I instinctively and without thinking, just stop and stare. You know, because boobs.
The humour of farts are directly proportional to the reactions they garner.
All the shopping cart shenanigans previously mentioned.
I have a collection of 1:18 scale exotic cars and i will on occasion push it around the house making car noises while my better half is studying or doing something more productive or mature. But that's not a high bar to clear.
I'm sure there's more but the fact that I don't view them as childish or wacky could speak volumes about my inner six year old.
Still get excited about seeing rare/interesting cars on the road.
Have one sided faux conversations with the cat when it meows at me.
I used "The damn governmen and their infernal weather machine" in a Dark Night Batman voice during a meeting today when the typical "so how about this cold weather" nonsense that begins every meeting started.
Tomorrow's amusement will be to argue with the first person who says "that is an Ask for so-and-so". I'll counter with something like "I'm disappointed you think so" then not say anything else.
It amuses our team to inject nonsense into customer meetings. They don't seem to notice we are making fun of them.