Lancer007 wrote:
Whenever SWMBO is changing I instinctively and without thinking, just stop and stare. You know, because boobs.
Have one sided faux conversations with the cat when it meows at me.
Amen! 30 here also.
ValueWife always says "it's not a show, you know!" Yes it is, take it off.
I speak for my bloated tomcat all the time, he sounds like an imbecile.
I seem to connect better with my 4yo son than my wife or our 8yo daughter. He's old enough to find the oppressively large farts hurled from his tiny body when contorted to aim it at his sister hilarious, and that's good enough for me.
SWMBO and I went out on a rare kid-free shopping trek to Target over the summer, she was picking out TP as I was crying laughing after having used the all the shelved tissue boxes that look like children's wooden lettered blocks to spell "P E N I S". I have a phone photo somewhere, but it's very blurry from all my infantile teeheeing. I was scolded, then she joined in, but there wasn't a G for the girly luggage.
I'm often accused by the 4yo of "hogging the good Lego wheels."
An unplowed parking lot is no match for whatever 100hp dog of a Subaru I have that week. Back in a FWD Honda for this winter... boring!
I delight in naming coworkers something rude but fitting to refer to them as with the others. When you say "Alkie, Dumb Kid, Yak Meat, and Squat Buzzard are working on such and such..." and the boss knows who you mean, you're doing something right.
I see no issue with a $500 Thule roof rack on a $500 car.
I've no room or money for a motorcycle, so for now I just twist the grip on my Diamondback Apex and pretend.
Forever 15...
I'm at a ripe age of 20 years old, but am a 90s kid. Not interested in today's pop culture and technology ridden cars. I dig old rock and no driving assists.
This is my favorite game, and the one that started it all

I still like to hide behind corners, and jump out to startle my siblings (31 and 29) when they walk past. It was fun when I was 12 and we lived in the same house. Its even more fun now that it only happens at family get togethers.
I also get a kick out of peering in thru a doorway at my wife while shes watching TV or reading or something, and just stare at her in silence until it creeps her out enough for her to yell at me for it...I dont know why, its juts fun
11/14/13 9:07 a.m.
ValuePack wrote:
Lancer007 wrote:
Whenever SWMBO is changing I instinctively and without thinking, just stop and stare. You know, because boobs.
ValueWife always says "it's not a show, you know!" Yes it is, take it off.
Good to know it isn't just me. Bewbs.
But I'm only 23
Yesterday while waiting for the school bus with my 5 year old we were jumping on each others shadows.
Shopping carts are made to drift around corners.
Just playing with the kids in general.
All at 42, good times.
mtn wrote:
ValuePack wrote:
Lancer007 wrote:
Whenever SWMBO is changing I instinctively and without thinking, just stop and stare. You know, because boobs.
ValueWife always says "it's not a show, you know!" Yes it is, take it off.
Good to know it isn't just me. Bewbs.
But I'm only 23
I think that pretty much transcends age. I have uncanny timing at walking in on the GF when she's changing and has her top off, and it amuses and delights her that taking her top off when I'm talking about something will pretty effectively derail whatever I'm thinking or talking about.
It also makes her laugh that I try and reason with her dog while he just stares at me blankly.
My daughters and I just got kicked out of Pep Boys for riding the electric scooters around the store. They didn't seem to mind until until my 6yo cut me off and I knocked over a stack of tires.
Lancer007 wrote:
Have one sided faux conversations with the cat when it meows at me.
Me, too. The cat's known as 'Stinky Binky', 'Fatso', 'Aggravation' and sometimes other names which get made up on the spot. He hears these in various tones from deep bass to falsetto. Poor critter has no idea what to respond to.
calteg wrote:
I also insert my dog's name into pop songs and sing them loudly at inappropriate times
Haha I do that at home with our dog.
11/14/13 11:54 a.m.
I do that too. "Weenie-Panini" "Spidey-didoes" "dingbats" etc....
Suffice it to say that bewbs do nothing for me... however, a nice butt can lose my train of thought.
I taught my nephew how to "armpit fart". 
4cylndrfury wrote:
I still like to hide behind corners, and jump out to startle my siblings (31 and 29) when they walk past.
Mrs Woof is just a little high strung, so it doesn't take much for me to scare the E36 M3 out of her this way. And I do it with regularity 
My wife used to jump out and scare me. My first reaction is to punch. I have landed some blows on her that I tried to retract but still made slight contact. Never really hard, but a good punch to the stomach has happened and send her laughing holding her belly. I walk around and say, "You better not do it, you'll get hurt, I love you but you'll get hurt!" She did it anyway. Doesn't anymore though. LOL
All the animals and children at my house have multiple names. They all know who I'm talking to or about at all times even when I never use the same name twice. I love that...
Oh yeah, boobs too. I'll walk by, stop, back up and say, "Daaaaaam girl, you goood lookin!" every time.
stuart in mn wrote:
I watch cartoons every night before I go to bed.
This. Not every night, but very often. Cartoons are the best.
calteg wrote:
I also insert my dog's name into pop songs and sing them loudly at inappropriate times
I sing Spongebob Squarepants to my dog. Sometimes I substitute his name (Watson Dogpants). One day I'll come up with lyrics to fit.
11/14/13 4:30 p.m.
tuna55 wrote:
A while ago (I was in college, so I guess I was pretty young, 22 maybe) some friends and I realized that we could buy as many bouncy balls as we wanted. There are videos out there with the house all full of bouncing. We even had set up TV trays across the room and had them bouncing for the length of the house and back
XKCD on what it means to be a grownup: