Cool or stupid? Or stupid, but still a good idea. Or "never see a boob agin" kind of idea."
Here's the thing, I stand a lot already, especially when I'm working on something exciting. Wanking would just give my feet something do to. I've finally seen one that would work, and for less than $1000 you'd be fully functional, including a nice elevated chair for when you simply had to sit.
So, Huh?
JG Pasterjak wrote:
Cool or stupid? Or stupid, but still a good idea. Or "never see a boob agin" kind of idea."
Here's the thing, I stand a lot already, especially when I'm working on something exciting. Wanking would just give my feet something do to. I've finally seen one that would work, and for less than $1000 you'd be fully functional, including a nice elevated chair for when you simply had to sit.
So, Huh?
um what were you talking about exactly
I think you have seen a few boobs to be able to wank with your feet
Typo. But not for long if my morning yoga stretches start paying off.
One of these:

you walk, and woe, and walk and work and walk. Walk walk walk, work work work ( then collapse and get slung into a fake potted plant.
When I work from home I usually setup camp on our kitchen island/braeakfast-bar, and I find myself standing for maybe an hour or 2 per day while I work. Then again, our barstools aren't the best for long-term seating. It is definitely nice to have the option, and being able to lean on the countertop can take some of the weight off your feet without sitting down.
I'm interested in them. I spend most of my time at work sitting on my butt behind a desk. Standing alone would do some good. Walking gently would do a tremendous amount of good.
I'm not interested enough to fork over a grand or more for one though.
But if I find a free treadmill, I might make my own.
I find that walking is easier on my feet than just standing
3/3/13 9:37 p.m.
While that's a cool idea, I do a lot of high-resolution mousing in AutoCAD, Revit, and Photoshop. I don't see how I could so that while walking.
I was picturing you wearing a tray like a cigarette girl from a '50's nighclub, but instead of smokes your laptop was on it and you were wandering around the office.

I've actually been debating on building something like that with a Craigslist recumbent bike for the 8 hours a day I spend in front of a desk.
In reply to Spinout007:
Seems like you ought to be able to generate enough power to run a laptop.
In reply to JG Pasterjak:
That one in the picture makes you walk on the very back of the belt. You are one lazy step away from that plant you mentioned.
JG Pasterjak wrote:
One of these:
you walk, and woe, and walk and work and walk. Walk walk walk, work work work ( then collapse and get slung into a fake potted plant.
I see you not woeing fast enough as the belt leaps faster and it won't be any of us owing you a new keyboard.
If they've ever sold any of those things, I'm sure that they will be showing up on Craigslist any day now.
I'd just plant a roller chair on top of the treadmill FTW
3/4/13 8:05 a.m.
JG Pasterjak wrote:
Typo. But not for long if my morning yoga stretches start paying off.
Dude, I think you're working on flexibility at the wrong end. Just sayin.
My dad has an old drafting table that tilts or goes flat - I have been thinking about turning it into my desk and standing for a part of my day.

3/4/13 10:34 a.m.
I have a freelance colleague that does a lot of his work on the treadmill. Took him a little while to adjust, now he can bang off a few stories while he's exercising.
a friend of mine made a (crummy) desk that he lays across the handles on his treadmill. Whenever he plays games or kills time on the web, he sets the thing at a moderate walking pace. He lost 15 pounds in the first month walking around 10 miles a day (he plays a lot of videogames).
I would like to hook something up to my bike trainer. With the treadmill, if you don't walk fast enough, you can't reach the computer. The bike trainer wont do that, but it would be great if I didn't pedal fast enough and the brightness would drop on the monitor or something like that. There's no way I could pedal-power my computer with a generator, so that's out...
JG Pasterjak wrote:
Wanking would just give my feet something do to.
LOLOLOLOL best typo ever! XD
Rufledt wrote:
The bike trainer wont do that, but it would be great if I didn't pedal fast enough and the brightness would drop on the monitor or something like that.
This could be arranged. In fact I think I know just how I'd do it on a Linux computer, but for a Windows computer the software side would be a bit trickier.
Yeah I have windows 7. I figured it could be done but I don't have the software writing knowledge to pull it off.
Once you get a device that can get the RPM state of the pedals into the computer - doesn't need to be a tachometer, you could have an old bike light generator trigger a relay wired to a button on a broken old joystick and use a potentiometer or rheostat to adjust the minimum pedaling speed - it's just software.
The hardest part is interfacing with screen brightness control, on Linux it's just "echo ### > /sys/blah/brightness" but on Windows, it'll either be manufacturer-specific, or if you're lucky, through a Microsoft API.