That is funny E36 M3 right there.
It's funny, but Pixar does relatively limited marketing, and has a no Happy Meals policy. Or did. Not sure if that'll fall by the wayside with the Disney merger.
...Yet they have no problem with selling:
-Remote control "interactive" robots.
-Video games (I swear to god half the movies today are made solely to sell video games - see: Indiana Jones)
-Action figures
-Pez despensers
-iPod players
-Plush dolls
-Movie soundtracks
-Collectible Pin Sets
...and I only made it through the first 25 of 824 items on eBay. Don't get me wrong; I'm a hardcore capitalist. I wouldn't have a problem with Wall-E brand cigarettes and vodka. I just get a kick out of the irony.
Allright, so it's not THAT limited, although there's definitely less of it than some speed racer, and they don't do happy meals.
But yeah, you're right, there's definitely irony there. Lots of it.
Saw it last night, thought it was a great flick, and it looked amazing to boot.
However, the trailer for that "chihuahua" movie caused me to die a little inside and lose some faith in humanity.
I would drink Wall E branded vodka.
While there is a bit of irony between the message and the capitalism, I would have to guess that there are a few degrees of decision making between the writers and guys in the marketing dept.
Tim Baxter wrote:
However, the trailer for that "chihuahua" movie caused me to die a little inside and lose some faith in humanity.
Lemme guess: Adam Sandler and a CG dog played by Carlos Mencia?
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
7/3/08 1:09 p.m.
Yes, like The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse worse.
Just judging by the trailer, it may be the worst movie ever made.
And I've watched "Glitter"
Yup. Seen all of Battlefield Earth, too. I have a thing for really crappy movies.
But even I won't watch the chihuahua thing
I overheard Tim say Gigli was the bestest moovie evar!!
I didn't watch all of Gigli, but from the part of it I did see, it didn't suck THAT bad. Mostly just boring.
7/3/08 3:01 p.m.
chihuahua may be worse than plan 9 from outer space. Only time will tell.
We got there a little late so I must have missed the chihuahua preview. From the sound of it, that's probably a good thing.
Thats funny, I went looking for Wall-E toys last weekend and couldn't find any.
Jensenman wrote:
We got there a little late so I must have missed the chihuahua preview. From the sound of it, that's probably a good thing.
Just so you don't feel like you're missing out:
Tim Baxter wrote:
Just so you don't feel like you're missing out:
I've seen worse. Manos: the Hands of Fate was a movie so bad, even MST3K couldn't make it bearable.
Salanis wrote:
Tim Baxter wrote:
Just so you don't feel like you're missing out:
I've seen worse. Manos: the Hands of Fate was a movie so bad, even MST3K couldn't make it bearable.

Dancing chihuahuas in ancient Inca headdresses. :retch:
One comment for that video went something like 'Walt Disney thawed himself out so he could kill the @%$&*# who approved that for production'. I have to agree.
Hmm, Wall-E is definately on my short list of movies to check out.
The chihuahua thing is kinda like a mash-up prequel to Wapsi Square and those Taco Bell commercials, sprinkled with some Emerperor's New Groove and blended thoroughly and injected into the rectum of the American public at $10/ea.?
I'll wait for the recap at Agony Booth
Do you ever get the idea that the people in charge of the Movies, TV, Music and Advertising industries just don't get it? I mean honestly, I keep reading how they are routinely shocked that people aren't watching TV or going to Movies or buying Music, etc. They really seem to not understand how this came to be.
Our response is simply that we've eaten all of their E36 M3 for so long that quite frankly we just don't want to do it anymore. There are more choices to get the same E36 M3, let alone different E36 M3 than the E36 M3 they are trying to cram down our throats. So many of us are now so desensitized to the rampant advertising that we actually relish the simplicity of not having any media on at all.
Luckily there is still GRM, posting on their board, working on our cars and even sometimes driving said cars to help keep us all.... well, I won't say sane, but lets just leave it at "complacent"
If you're going to watch bad movies on purpose, at least do what we did in university and only watch the ones with the word "Bikini" in the title. The Great Bikini Off-Road Adventure, Bikini Carwash Company, Bikini Carwash Company II, Bikini Drive-in - it might be a bad movie, but at least it'll be a bad movie with boobies. And there's only the one plot (comely women have a house/business/item that will be taken away from them if they don't raise $X in a short period of time, and they discover that they can use their natural assets to raise said money. A contest at the end is optional) so you don't have trouble keeping up.
I had to stop when I turned on the TV and recognized Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death immediately.
Huh, I just googled Great Bikini Off-Road Adventure (it's pretty funny, it tries to be artsy) and found out it was filmed in Moab - just down the road. Now I have to watch it again!