No Canoe here
Here's is a 5% discount code I got from Rock Auto
Using Your Discount Code
Enter the code above in the "How did you hear about us" line of the shopping cart. If you are using our traditional HTML catalog, please click the "Apply" button to the right of the field. Your discount will automatically appear, subtracted from your order total.
Expires OCT 3.
Have fun!!
Thanks for sharing!
Whenever I order from RockAuto I do a quick search for a discount code.
I'll only use it if you can tell me why of the four parts I need, not a single one of them ships from the same location as another. My shipping costs are $45 on $80 worth of product

Well that sucks. . . . blame the zombies??
In reply to sobe_death:
For that reason i rarely use rockauto.
Strike_Zero wrote:
Well that sucks. . . . blame the zombies??
I know! They are trying to keep the ZAV out of commission
Huh. I love Rock Auto. Dunno. Call me crazy. Seems like they have what I need and it's usually priced right. I can pick the brand too, instead of whatever Johny Minimum Wage clicks on the computer at the parts counter.
8/14/10 7:19 a.m.
I've only ordered from them a few times, but I've been bitten by the multiple shipping locations deal. It was way cheaper to me to buy more expensive parts so that they came from one place, I think I went through 20 iterations of my shopping cart to find the cheapest way to get what I needed.
8/14/10 11:21 a.m.
You guys complaining about the shipping should try ordering from outside the US. Sixty bucks postage to send me a $3 oil pan gasket? No thanks!
Rockauto: get real!
TJ wrote:
I've only ordered from them a few times, but I've been bitten by the multiple shipping locations deal. It was way cheaper to me to buy more expensive parts so that they came from one place, I think I went through 20 iterations of my shopping cart to find the cheapest way to get what I needed.
thats what i do. stepping up $2 more in part cost can save $10+ in shipping charges.
Well to get my Exedy clutch for my 1979 civic shipped with my $5 speedometer cable for the same car was impossible. I had to switch to some Somalia-brand clutch to even get the same shipping location.
I like RockAuto because you can choose the brand, but whenever I seem to care about the brand, I'll get screwed on shipping