stopped at NAPA and traded $230 for calipers, rotors, and pads for a 2000 Camaro.. this is what i got:

the fat guy (me) approves..

those LS1 F bodies sure had some beefy brake stuff on them, should be a bit better than the stock setup..
and, no, they aren't giving away free Pepsi Throwback as some kind of a promotional tie in...
picked up a spare set of spindles from a junkyard so i can do all the work without digging the car out of the snowdrift and to make it an easy swap:

stock spindle on right, modified on left. it only takes about 10 minutes with a sawzall and grinder to modify the spindle.. still need to drill/tap the stock dust shield mounting holes out for 12mm fine thread bolts, but i'll do that at work on the Bridgeport mill.. i also still need to get my hands on some rotors to chop down into hubs, and then i need to make caliper mounting brackets out of some 1/4" steel to get it all mounted up..
but, yeah, the car should stop ok. the 12"X1.25" rotors and dual piston PBR calipers should clamp down much better than the stock single piston calipers on tiny 10.5" X 1" rotors...
Are you sure you didn't accidentally get 2500 HD truck brakes? 
so, does anyone that is somewhat local to me have a set of worn out rotors for a 78-88 G body, 82-04 2WD S10, or 82-92 F body they could sell to me for cheap so i can make hubs? junkyards are very proud of them for some reason, and brand new ones are only a little more than what they want...
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Are you sure you didn't accidentally get 2500 HD truck brakes?
you see the pic of me holding the brakes up? those brakes gotta be beefy to be up to the task...

this is what the car those brakes are for looked like 2 days ago... there's about a foot more white stuff on top of it now, with another 10" coming over the next 24 hours... so i really don't want to have to pull the rotors off it to make hubs..
2/10/13 10:35 p.m.
Heh, your plate says dick.
Someone call wally. Tell him to make sure the brakes are on the bus before he leaves.
2/10/13 11:24 p.m.
I am glad I only needed to remove 4 bolts and the 2 brake lines to upgrade my '91 to 13" SVT Cobra dual pistons......
yamaha wrote:
I am glad I only needed to remove 4 bolts and the 2 brake lines to upgrade my '91 to 13" SVT Cobra dual pistons......
i'm kinda sorta copying the 90-92 1LE brake setup, but with thicker slip on rotors and beefier calipers.. and i like doing a little fab work- that's the fun part of working on cars for me..
2/10/13 11:38 p.m.
I don't mind a little bit, but the only reason I'd do what you're doing would be for 6 piston brembos....
That looks like two Mountain Dews and a Pepsi's worth of work.
Appleseed wrote:
That looks like two Mountain Dews and a Pepsi's worth of work.
the Dew was left there by my brother..
here's more from tonight at work:
making the hubs fit on the lathe... this is an old Chevelle/Nova drum hub that i had so i thought i'd try.. but they won't work due to pushing the rotor too far out:

drilling out dust shield holes to (i think) 27/64 on the Bridgeport mill:

tapping holes to M12-1.25.. again, on the Bridgeport.. i gotta get me one of those for at home:

mock up. ignore the lack of wheel studs and the use of bolts to hold it together.. not only am i not using these hubs, but i'll be using 1/2" studs for an '05 Mustang.:

rear of the spindle... if you look, you can see that there is about an inch between the caliper bracket mounting hole and the boss on the spindle. that won't do- gonna order some new 86 Camaro rotors to hack up to make hubs tomorrow:

nice work, but don't be surprised to find that the S197 wheel studs are M12, not 1/2".
novaderrik wrote:
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote:
Are you sure you didn't accidentally get 2500 HD truck brakes?
you see the pic of me holding the brakes up? those brakes gotta be beefy to be up to the task...
That's why I said it, those brakes are HUGE!! 
made a little progress today at work while parts were running in the cnc..this is why working night shift at a machine shop rules:
brand new replacement rotor for an 86 Camaro on left, 2000 Camaro on right.. yes, it's beefier..

this is what's left of the brand new little rotor:

i'd get to work on making the bracket, but i forgot to bring the big spindle nut with to hold the hub in place, and i don't have any M12X1.25 bolts to fasten the bracket to the spindle.. Fastenal is on my list of places to stop tomorrow. i wish i would have just tapped the stupid thing to something like 1/2 fine thread, because we have bins of those around here at work for mockup...
I cringed at first when I saw you rigid tapping on that bridgeport. For some reason I thought it was a blind hole even though you drilled through it in the previous pic. 3rd shift + very little sleep lately= brain fade.
Anyway, it looks good! Post more machining pron!
I wish I was back in a little job shop again...
that is a blind hole with the tap hovering over it in the pic.. i run the bridgeport nice and slow and let the tap pull itself into the part, then if it does bottom out the tap just spins in the chuck until i can flip the switch the other way and let the tap pull itself out of the part.. but i always try to not let it bottom out.. might not be the "proper" way to do it gets the job done..
Very interested in how this turns out. If successful, would you consider doing another set?
I are watching with big interest, for I still own an 82 Camaro. Next, get to work on adapting something onto the drum brake rear for me, ok?
Have you done any master cylinder math yet?
Great idea
now I know why I hang out here