In reply to preach (dudeist priest) :
PM sent, let me know if you get it. On your uncle, it's possible. I was at EB from early '84 though'86 before the "family business" (HVAC) called me. Chiefs are all a special kind of crazy from my recollection, a few of the older guys in my group were retired chiefs that had served in the 60's and 70's. Awesome guys, awesome stories.

I made this as a lathe project in HS, some other kid made the nut part. We had to hand grind our own thread cutting tools. The two parts thread together with zero slop in the threads.
We had Tech Prep program, English, Physics, Math, all shop courses were geared towards joining the work force out of HS with skills. After two years of the program and other offerings, I could weld, run a mill, lathe, grinder, cnc mill and lathe, run a photography dark room, and run a printing press.
In one class we had these new fangled apple computers that we used for graphics. Some of us made counterfeit Guess logo shirts with silk screen, or burn plates for making notebooks on the printing press.
If I ever retire and if it's possible I would love to teach a new generation some skills.
In reply to 11GTCS :
I got it Mark and sent my info.
My HS was huge, I actually got paid minimum wage (in the mid 80s) to work in the technical theater department making sets/props for the actors and dancers. We had to get paid for it since the school charged admission for the shows. It was very cool and I got to date the dancers (not the actresses, well because I could not tell if they were lying or just acting lmao).
I also went through the various trade classes as well. We had auto, wood, metal fab, drafting, photography, and I think electronics. Maybe more.
I think companies lack training people as it's all about the quick turnaround dollar. We used to take guys into our shop and train them on what we do then move them to inside sales for a few years. Then outside sales or management. We don't bother today.
I use the skills I learned in machine shop class to this day and I appreciate those that trained me . Me as Machinist of the year - glory days, eh?

This actually answers a question I was going to ask here. So, apparently the US doesn't have apprenticeship programs?
In Canada all the trades include apprenticeships for licensing. Even as a parts person I did a three year apprenticeship with a period in school for each of those years (6 weeks in year 1, 8 in year 2, 6 in year 3)
All of the standard trades like mechanic, welder, machinist, millwright etc. Have 4 year programs, with 8 weeks in school each year.