Get yourself some noravirus for about 4 days. Its wonderful.
Nothing down but water and a bit of bread dipped in water for the last two days. Fever spiked to 101 last night. I was more then a little loopy yesterday and today is no better. I need sleep....
hope you're on the mend. Sorry it has been so bad.
fever will take it off. Strip you to bare humanity
I love getting sick, because I always kick sick's ass.
I also have a month's worth of sick time that my healthy body refuses.
8/7/12 8:02 a.m.
Hope you get better.
I lost 15 lbs going on toe nail fugus pills because I couldn't have alcohol and caffine for 3 months. Now I am pretty much off soda because of it.
TRoglodyte wrote:
fever will take it off. Strip you to bare humanity
Yes it will.
Also feeling much better now. I am wicked tired but at least I am not sweating buckets. Need to go to work and get caught up today and I will feel back on track.
I got the flu swiftly followed by a case of pneumonia as a senior in HS. Couldn't keep anything but fluid down. Didn't get into the doctor for about 5 or 6 days of feeling crummy. Spent a day in the ER with antibiotics and fluids, then two weeks of once-a-day IV fluids and antibiotics.
I lost about 30 lbs in a week. Not something I'd do again.
Get better soon.
i recommend food poisoning the night before the start of a 3 day convention with a big social party on a boat thrown in the middle, then puking on the entirely packed flight home with 150 of your closest friends and colleagues.
at least you're at home, feel better soon!
Thankfully, my recent encoutner with noro was quite lame in comparison- my wife did an O/N in a hospital, but I refused, since it would have made things a lot worse.
Bad lasted 2 days for wife, 1.5 for me, slowly went away before going on a trip. This all happened well away from home in Puerto Rico.
BTW, considering the issue, ironic ID here, isn't it wearymicrobe? 
(glad you are feeling better- IMHO, so much worse than a cold)