This site randomly plops you down somewhere on Google Earth, and you have to guess where. You get 5 locations, the closer the guess the more points you get. I am starting to be able to guess the Country 9 times out of 10 from the first glance. Perhaps I should get back to work.
Man you were not kidding when you said it was addictive.
You can pan around the street view which sometimes will give you information to improve your guess. They should have limited that ability.
You got 9343 points in total
13107 my first go.. .and I'm closing the window and backing away before I lose all friday's worth of productivity!
8/2/13 9:04 a.m.
I got pretty close on the second try when I realized that you could move around and look at the road signs and stuff. Then I closed it in a panic because I could do that all day.
I am so deep, I can identify Poland from the Ukraine by the differences in their concrete light posts. Walk away! I am warning you!
It doesn't show anything except a big black page with some other stuff on it for me.
12499 first try.
I am proud.
13867 first time around. I was pleased to see that two of my guesses were within 50km; the others not so much. Distressingly addictive....
Woohoo! 18808!
To be fair, one of the locations was right next to the giant sign reading "Welcome to NTC Fort Irwin"...
I had no idea how many backroads look just alike.
9323 for me. I guess I'm not well traveled enough. Then again when they plop you down on a 2 lane country road without a car or building in sight it's a little tough.
Toyman01 wrote:
9323 for me. I guess I'm not well traveled enough. Then again when they plop you down on a 2 lane country road without a car or building in sight it's a little tough.
I got one of those. I guessed the middle of Montana and was rewarded with 2400 points. 
Very addictive. My best so far was 266 KM away in France. South Africa, Australia, Canada and midwestern US look much more alike than I would have thought. Took me a few rounds before I realized the map has full Google functionality, so you can roam a little before guessing.
It put me down in the middle of the Simon Frasier University campus. I did not know that at the time but was awestruck at the architecture and the fact that I could see mountains pretty much all around.
Turns out Battlestar Galactica (new) did some filming there, as did the Halo 4 live action trailer. Striking place.

8/2/13 11:56 a.m.
18830 and that was with one completely desolate place that was not in South America, but in Australia.
16,477 first try, but I got lucky because one was pretty local and a second was a pretty easy guess.
This time I worked at it. That netted me 18698. I still ended up with one in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road on a beach. The image wouldn't let me move so I had to guess. I guessed the NC Outerbanks and it ended up being on the Black Sea in the Ukraine. That one cost me a bunch. My closest guess was a lot less than 1Km.
Fun site.
I like it when they drop you down on a spot you've been to before - Peel Castle, Isle of Man, I was 0.0074km away (and ~6k points)
I hit 16,517. I suck at central American countries apparently.
8/2/13 1:20 p.m.
My best guess so far.... 1.73km. It dropped me in the middle of a brazilian street, and there were phone numbers on the buildings. Google took care of the rest.