This morning at O dark thirty while I was getting ready for work my wife said she was worried about me. Since I've been working a lot of different shifts and getting stuck sleeping there form time to time i've begun talking while I toss and turn. I sound like I'm still at work answering my radio, phone ect. She said I should take some time off and do something I enjoy, maybe finish building a model or two.
I told her when the tax money came in I was taking some and picking this up:
I already downloaded some info on converting it to an American spec 3 axle bus and was looking forward to playing with it on my upcoming vacation.
She just made some awful grinding noise and went back to bed.
2/16/11 4:50 p.m.
So, how does it feel when you willingly place your manhood in her mortal and pestle?
I did no such thing, It's safe in her purse where it's been for years
Wally wrote:
I did no such thing, It's safe in her purse where it's been for years
You have to be careful of purse snatching.
Or if she is like Mrs. Mofo and cleans out her purse and throws the wrong stuff away.
I still ain't found my left nut.
2/17/11 4:02 p.m.
Woody: Busman's Holiday, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: None of those fancy drinks for me, Woody. Just give me a beer.
I hear you on the aweful shifts.. I basically work weekends.. ALL weekend, every weekend. Makes it hard to have a relationship with anybody who has anything resembling a normal work scheadule.
On the flip side.. my neighbors think I don't work at all and wonder how I do it
mad_machine wrote:
I hear you on the aweful shifts.. I basically work weekends.. ALL weekend, every weekend. Makes it hard to have a relationship with anybody who has anything resembling a normal work scheadule.
On the flip side.. my neighbors think I don't work at all and wonder how I do it
Up until a year ago, I did that for 10 weekends, what are these "holliday" forces you to meet self-employed, or people with interesting jobs. So, there can be an upside. Yeah, I know, doesn't help. It made me hate the Christmas holidays...
John Brown wrote:
Or if she is like Mrs. Mofo and cleans out her purse and throws the wrong stuff away.
I still ain't found my left nut.
I think its at my house.
Ill let you know if something shows up.
I have like 4, so if we don't find yours, you can have one of mine.
I was going to say I would check the medicine cabinet!