We have a vertically stacked electric washer/dryer combo machine that has been limping along- I'm trying to fix the drum leak, and if that works we'll keep running it for a while, but the fact is it's old and pretty lousy at both washing and drying.
I'm totally lost trying to price replacements. We'd like to keep the vertically stacked profile, so- stackable front loaders? Combo unit like our current Frigidaire thing? Fancy machine that washes and dries in the same drum? Tell me what to look for in these things, and what to expect to pay, please and thanks.
1/13/21 8:44 a.m.
I've got nothing in specific, but we have a 10-year-old Whirlpool Duet front loader pair that get a lot of laundry done and are still going strong. I think they were right about $1000 together 10 years ago.
I would look at the new stackable front loaders as you suggest. They're not just dinky apartment closet machines any more.
In this recent thread you will see my details of buying a Maytag Commercial washer vs the Speed Queen (SQ).
Side note: I passed on SQ because at the time the redesign cheapened out the capabilities of the SQ. It has since been reported that the SQs have back stepped their redesign and gone back to the good ole version.
These above are not vertical units but what I came her to say is dig into the reviewer that I linked to and buy the vertical unit he recommends. His reviews are very well thought out. His integrity is so high that SQ cut him off as a retailer of their product for the review he posted but I would say he is also the sole reason that they went back to quality.
Here is a link to all his videos. It seems that in the past 4 months he has done three 40 minute videos about the LG3400 front loader. Seems that one is about modifying the machine to let in more water. I'll leave it to you to spend the time.
I have a Maytag Bravo Top loader and a GE Eterna series dryer. Both were purchased at a used appliance shop probably 10 years ago now, and both are working great. The Bravo is rated as one of the worst washers ever, but whatever the shop did to fix it must have worked because we have never had an electrical issue with it. The only thing that I ever did was replace the bearings that wore out after 2,000,000 miles. I have never done anything to the dryer in terms of repair.
Both are high capacity, and that is the one recommendation that I would give. I can wash and dry a king-sized comforter, and that's pretty awesome.
In reply to John Welsh :
OF COURSE there is a serious, really serious, hardcore washing machine review guy. Thank you, that seems like exactly what I need for researching this.
Another thought. I have bought appliances from AJ Madison. They are a physical retailer in NYC that does web sales. They have great prices and even if paying shipping the prices can be cheaper than anyone. One thing I noticed is they did not charge me sales tax. That alone on a $700 purchase is $50.
The appliance showed up (in about 2 weeks) on a truck with 2 guys who carted it all the way through the door and into the house. I did not have them take the old unit with them but they moved it to the garage for me too.
The AJ Madison price on a LG3400 is $695. It says they have a floor model for $440. I wonder if they will ship that (no box)?
I recently was in a discussion about washers and dryers and Electrolux units were highly recommended. Apparently made in Canada?
Otherwise following as well since I will need something (hopefully) soon.
Duke said:
I would look at the new stackable front loaders as you suggest. They're not just dinky apartment closet machines any more.
I came here to say that anything stackable is just a dinky apartment closet machine. If you want a real washer and dryer, you need honest floor-standing full size equipment, the bigger, the better. 
If your space demands stackable, then you'll have to go stackable, but I'd expect to pay more for less. Still, lots of people have to cram themselves into small spaces, so I'm sure there's a appropriate solution out there. As far as value, I'd take a good hard look at whatever Costco has available.
Not all stacks are dinky.
White set is that apartment type stuff but the front loaders are usually all stackable too, like the gray units.

I haven't kept up with the good brands and who's in bed with whom these days. I can offer these two anecdotal bits of worthless advice:
1- I bought a house that had a Maytag stackable set that looks very similar to the last picture (lady with the pink sweater kneeling). Mine might be a bit smaller, but I live alone, so no big deal. Mine are 2012 models and have been bulletproof. About one in 20 times when you close the washer door, the switch doesn't register and it beeps at you, so you whack the door and it's all good. I researched it and it seems to be a common problem for many washers/brands and the fix is pretty easy. Buy new switch, install.
2- Bestie just bought a house with a relatively new (maybe one year old) Whirlpool side-by-side setup. We accidentally ripped the drain hose while repositioning it. Turns out, the drain hose isn't just go-buy-a-$7- universal-hose, it's this proprietary custom bent piece of super-cheap corrugated plastic that you can only get from Whirlpool. Had to pay $38 and wait two weeks to get it, then it was a partial disassembly to install the new one because it doesn't hook in from the bottom, it hooks on right in the middle of the side. Not a fan.
No Time
1/13/21 11:48 a.m.
We've had an LG front loader set since late 2014. It's been used to wash loads ranging from clothes, to bedding, to hockey gear with good results.
We had a fill valve leak occasionally, but the incoming water pressure was >90psi at the time. I have since added a regulator on the line into the house to reduce pressure to a more reasonable level and haven't seen any leaks.
Definitely not a small set, but it was also not inexpensive at the time.

In reply to No Time :
Fyi, I tweaked your photo to remove some info that was on the door.
No Time
1/13/21 3:14 p.m.
In reply to sleepyhead the buffalo :
Thank you, I appreciate the help.
I have a new Frigidaire laundry center (model #7522). Paid about $1400 delivered and installed. I have the gas dryer version, but I don't think there's much functional difference between the electric dryer. It's definitely not a small apartment unit, dryer and washer both have plenty of capacity. Being a traditional agitator washer it does great with even heavy soil.

The controls are all electronic, I miss the old electromechanical timer knobs, but I'm sure this will be reliable enough. At least more reliable than a washer and dryer made by a TV manufacturer (I wouldn't buy LG or Samsung household appliances with someone else's money). The "cycle done" beeper is at least quiet, but it's incessant and has no way to turn off.
My biggest gripe with this unit is the way the dryer handles lint collection. The screen is at the front of the door opening, and it apparently passes lint through the door itself. It does a piss poor job of lint and dog hair collection, there's no way to sugar coat it. The opening sizes are mismatched and don't fit tightly, so there's lint all over the sides of the opening and lint/dog hair stuck inside the door when you open it. Then the door poops lint all over the washer and the floor. If I'm drying a load that I know will have extra lint or hair like rugs or dog couch blankets, I have to set the timer for short intervals and empty the lint + add another dryer sheet once or twice per large load. This may even bother me enough that I actually can't recommend the unit, I haven't decided yet. YMMV.

Ok first let me say that I'm a cheap SoB. I don't like these new washer and dryers with all their BS electronics. I got a guy that I found on CL. He reconditions all those washer/dryers that people put out at the curb. Cost me $90 for my current dryer vs. fixing the fancy pants dryer at $300 plus.
Not terribly relevant, but what the heck.
I hate new "High Efficiency" Washers. The ehhp,emp,emp...EMP,Emp noises they make while "sensing" the load drive me crazy. Whatever happened to normal freakin washers? I don't want to have to think about adding vinegar. I just want it to shut up and wash the clothes.
Rant Off.
My mom bought a new Maytag washer and dryer in about 1970. Just the one set after the old wringer ruined her best dress. They still wash and dry just fine.
I will say, new stuff sometimes sucks. I have a $50 Norge washer from the 80s that sits outside at camp year round in Ontario. I go up every summer and clean the dead mice and leaves out and it keeps working.
I will say as one data point... my 2012 Maytag front loader/efficiency washer does a fantastic job of cleaning the clothes. Working at the shop, I get all kinds of questionable dirt, dust, junk, grease, food, coffee, and mystery moisture on my clothes. Then it sits in the hamper for two weeks. Clothes always come out really clean.
Speed Queen. The answer is Speed Queen.
NMNA, but I am a happy owner (mine's not a stackable)
Note: Made in USA and priced like it.
Washer is a commercial grade Whirlpool and dryer is a Maytag. No issue with both.