Rufledt wrote:
...Another said "The makers of the movie Prometheus actually forgot to include the part of the movie where it makes sense"
Ridley Scott did say what the movie "was about" in an interview. Be glad he did not put it in!
BTW - It took me quite a while to figure out what the first scene of that movie was. It was not terrible apparent. I didn't even know what planet it was supposed to be on!
3/4/14 11:39 a.m.
In reply to aircooled:
Iron Sky was meant to be funny, not serious. I enjoyed that one, just as I've enjoyed countless other E36 M3ty but funny B movies.
Hell, one of my all time favorites is this E36 M3ty jewel......
for scenes like this
My problem is not with E36 M3ty movies that make fun of themselves/have fun with it......its with the "A" movies that actually suck.
I think Elysium qualifies. "A" list actors trying to execute a screenplay that makes no sense at all.
3/4/14 11:53 a.m.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Prometheus... I sat there and said to myself 'Is that the best Ridley Scott could come up with?'.
Rufledt wrote:
Another said "The makers of the movie Prometheus actually forgot to include the part of the movie where it makes sense"
In retrospect, I should have stopped watching Prometheus the moment that Michael Facebender was revealed to be a ROBOT - pretty early in the movie - because in the opening scenes he is clearly shown to be TOUCHING UP HIS ROOTS WITH HAIR DYE. It only got stupider from there.
3/4/14 11:56 a.m.
TRoglodyte wrote:
I think Elysium qualifies. "A" list actors trying to execute a screenplay that makes no sense at all.
But... but! BUT! It's about evil rich white guys who want to steal everything from honest hardworking poor people! No sense required, in a Hollywood movie - the premise alone is all the sense it needs.
Duke wrote:
...Michael Facebender was revealed to be a ROBOT..
Not that kind of robot. He is a replicant. A synthetic humanoid. You know...
...a skin job. ( apparently the same universe as Blade Runner)
3/4/14 12:03 p.m.
No, I think we see later that he has actual mechanical hard parts in him. He's not an android, he's a robot. They certainly were tubes-and-wires mechanical robots in Alien, which allegedly comes after Prometheus.
Not sure, but the Aliens "robots" are pretty gooey:
(not purely mechanical certainly)
The Blade Runner universe theory is a bit of fan speculation, but it almost makes sense. Blade Runner of course comes well before both (2019).
3/4/14 12:14 p.m.
Yes, they're fluid-filled, but you can see that the skin is elastic rubber, and I believe there are even sparks from shorted wiring while he's talking. He definitely stutters and skips like a broken electronic device. Besides, if they're replicants, they should be more like human-physiology clones than anything else.
3/4/14 12:36 p.m.
I don't know if this was mentioned, but here's my candidate:
On the surface, it looks like it's got everything a GRMer would want. A cool car:
Amber Heard showing off delicious body bits:
Wait. More Amber Heard: has the one thing guaranteed to make the movie stab-yourself-in-the-eyes bad...Nicolas Cage. I mean, other than Raising Arizonahas this guy made any movie that wasn't a complete turd? Con-Air anyone? And don't even get me started on that remake of a movie that features a Mustang. Drive Angry is just epically bad; stupid story, wooden acting, and the worst special effects I've seen since a 1960s Japanese monster movie.
3/18/14 7:28 p.m.
Not very thinly veiled advertising for GM, drug running, Johnny Knoxville, Schwarzenegger. Not as bad as some other movies I posted, but the Last Stand is not worth remembering. It is, however, not terrible watching Arnold beating some guy.
This hot garbage.
So bad my brother was ripping on it. He hates it when I go all MST3K on movies, but even he was enjoying bagging on this turd.
In reply to Rufledt:
I see your Chevy ad with a two hour ad for the Ford Mustang in the new Need For Speed movie.
Lot's of good cantidates here (I enjoyed Iron Sky though).
By far the worst movie ever though, and this is using the Top Gear standard of "it was measnt to be good but missed" was: The Thin Red Line
I heard that the director wanted it to be over 6 hours long and when the studio forced him to cut it to a mind numbing 3 hours he just randomly hacked at it as a form of protest. Absolutely terrible!
TRoglodyte wrote:
I think Elysium qualifies. "A" list actors trying to execute a screenplay that makes no sense at all.'s not quite bad but it turned out to be a lowbrow action movie when most of us were expecting a good sci-fi movie.
Oblivion turned out to be a much better sci-fi movie, surprisingly.
Boy did I ever want the Thin Red Line to be good.
3/19/14 11:12 a.m.
rebelgtp wrote:
In reply to Rufledt:
I see your Chevy ad with a two hour ad for the Ford Mustang in the new Need For Speed movie.
That it was, but it at least was better than I had expected
4/18/14 11:35 p.m.
Some skank with a crazy mother sleeps with random necrophiliac guy at a party at the house of her friend who has a thing for her even though she already has a girlfriend (another bad relationship), gets a zombie STD, goes kinda nuts and strangles people once her life falls apart, or should I say falls more apart. Then, once she becomes a zombie, the movie ends. It's one long drama about this girl's messed up relationships, all of which make you feel like the writer has a seriously screwed up life, and once the good part starts (the zombies appear) it ends. It's one long set up to a zombie movie, without the zombie movie. You remember how walking dead starts with a whole bunch of zombies, and then proceeds to be a pretty awesome show? well this is like a month before that, but then there's no awesome show. (Spoiler alert) you don't even get to see her bite her crazy mom at the end. She goes to bite, and then screen goes black, and credits. There isn't even one normal person in the whole movie. Everybody is screwed up. The men are either drug dealers, stalkers, or necrophiliacs. Those are the only categories. I'm not saying men aren't those things, but I know at least 1 guy who isn't one of those. The women are either drug dealing, drug using, abusive, or end up missing all of their blood. Sometimes multiple categories. I guess normal people don't end up in zombie movies. Sorry, I meant to say they don't end up in the never ending opening to a non-existent zombie movie.
4/19/14 12:02 a.m.
Pacific Rim was genuinely terrible. I don't expect a movie about giant robots fighting giant aliens to be art, but that doesn't mean it has to be unbelievably stupid and convoluted.
If your giant fighting robot has swords and rocket launchers and stuff, maybe you should just start off with those instead of just punching the alien.
Did you know that Pacific Rim is a remake?
4/19/14 1:28 a.m.
Trans_Maro wrote:
Did you know that Pacific Rim is a remake?
I was sort of hoping Robot Jox was going to come up.
Has no one mentioned "From Dusk Til Dawn" by the incomperable Roberto Rodriguez? It's got your zombies, and Trejo and George Cloony and Tarentino and the stunning Mexican actress whose name escapes me at the moment. Completly over the top. Best B movie ever.
In reply to chuckles:
You FORGOT Selma Hayek? How can you forget Selma Hayek?