Admittedly I was a little close to the van, but I was about to pass them when I noticed the car coming across the highway. He either swung wide or didn't see either of us and was attempting to occupy the right lane.
NSFW audio, I had a few choice words.
A pickup passed me this morning. Now I am sitting on the highway after he had a head on and burned to death. I will be here another 3 hours. Been here for 3 already.
12/17/15 3:37 p.m.
I saw 2 rear enders within a mile of each other last night, involving at least 6 cars. Rear end collisions are SO avoidable. Just open your damn eyes
It looked like you missed him, did you? I couldn't tell for sure from the video. Either way, that could have been nasty. Good on you for paying attention.
12/18/15 8:37 a.m.
Were you listening to Lil Dicky?

Crazy to watch that whole thing happen in slow motion. Reminds me of when I saw an old guy in a pickup change lanes clean into a car about a month ago.
Another time I saw a guy in an RX8 wavering close to an AE101 with a billet tow hook, and said "It's gonna suck when he runs into the back of that guy," five seconds later that tow hook penetrated deep into the front of the RX8.
Toyman01 wrote:
It looked like you missed him, did you? I couldn't tell for sure from the video. Either way, that could have been nasty. Good on you for paying attention.
No contact
Powar wrote:
Were you listening to Lil Dicky?
Nope, worse. It was a Big Sean song.
12/18/15 1:24 p.m.
That song starts playing too perfectly....
Is the first line "oh damn I'm eliminated"?
This was on my drive home Monday shortly after I passed this area:

Eyewitnesses reported that the woman driving the pinned car was pulled out through a broken back window.
That's not the first one of those I've seen this year. That is, car under back of truck.
Enyar wrote:
That song starts playing too perfectly....
Is the first line "oh damn I'm eliminated"?
Close, I wasn't sure either until I googled the lyrics.
First line, 2nd verse.
Aw damn I'm illuminated, man, I knew I make it
Observations from replaying and slow-moing the video: 1)driver entering highway; typical self-absorbed nitwit American driver. 2)van driver began to slow down in what would have been enough time to prevent the collision had he simply braked just a little harder. 2)van driver had time to move to the shoulder, just like you did, which combined with his braking action would also have prevented the collision. 3)the fact that the van driver's only reaction was brake in a straight line is evidence that the American driver ed system teaches NOTHING about maneuvering to avoid contact. 4)the van driver's lack of a more vigorous braking action indicates that his mind did not accept the reality of what was happening and he failed to suspend his disbelief strongly enough to prevent the collision. 4)although you too were caught with your pants slightly down, YOUR ability to quickly suspend your disbelief of the unlikely scenario happening in front of you is far superior to the average American driver. Well done, sir!
I really need to get a dash cam
i gather van driver assumed person would turn into left lane. i always assume someone is going to put their vehicle where i am going to be, and approach incoming traffic accordingly. it keeps me out of trouble, and i've bailed to the shoulder or treelawn several times to avoid people pulling out in front of me, especially when i have a trailer. they see truck/trailer and feel the need to not be behind me, so they pull out in front of me or cut me off, creating a much worse situation for everyone involved.
Van driver may have been reluctant to brake harder given the vehicle so close behind..
OHSCrifle wrote:
Van driver may have been reluctant to brake harder given the vehicle so close behind..
It looks like, to me, the OP wasn't all that close to the van at the moment the other car entered the highway. I do believe that even if the van had stomped on it all the to ABS the OP would have had room to handle the situation exactly the same way, and would have.
Besides the illegal U Turn, what the heck is it with people that rush right over to the opposite lane?
Just today I turned left at a light and the guy coming at me turned tight; RIGHT into my lane putting me on the divider and he looks at me like WTF.
Some drivers are beyond trainable.
Trying to teach my 15 year old that you turn into the NEAR Lane unless there are multiple turn lanes. Then signal as you work your way across the other lanes one at a time.
He says he never sees anyone else doing that. And he is right. Nobody does.
Drive right pass left on the interstate doesn't exist in USA either. Folks just drive along in the middle Lane, or worse...
12/20/15 9:38 a.m.
914Driver wrote:
Besides the illegal U Turn, what the heck is it with people that rush right over to the opposite lane?
Just today I turned left at a light and the guy coming at me turned tight; RIGHT into my lane putting me on the divider and he looks at me like WTF.
Some drivers are beyond trainable.
If he had a green light he had right-of-way if he was making a right turn and you were making a left. You shouldn't have been in to the intersection until he cleared it. Yeah, you're supposed to choose the closer lane, but I suspect if there had been contact, you would have been at fault for failure to yield. Now if you had a green arrow and he was turning right on read, then he's failing at right-of-way.
914Driver wrote:
Besides the illegal U Turn, what the heck is it with people that rush right over to the opposite lane?
Just today I turned left at a light and the guy coming at me turned tight; RIGHT into my lane putting me on the divider and he looks at me like WTF.
Some drivers are beyond trainable.
All this. You change left into a multilane road, you enter the leftmost lane and then signal for a lane change right. And vice-versa for the opposite. That's proper berking etiquette.
As patgizz noted, one should still assume the other driver is a blithering idiot and intends to enter the lane you're currently occupying. There is nothing to be gained from assuming the other person sees you.
couple of months ago, on a two lane left turn.. guy to my left decided he wanted to be in my lane.. while I was next to him. Good thing I was paying attention and ran it up onto the shoulder to avoid the hit
I was facing east, he was facing west; we both turned north onto a two lane. He blew right over to my side.
Dr. Hess wrote:
This was on my drive home Monday shortly after I passed this area:
The very sad part is that the car's brakes are so very much more capable than the truck's brakes and yet here she is underneath an underbraked overweight archaic machine looking like an idiot.