1/27/10 9:41 a.m.
I've seen lots of references to Top Gear and the Stig, etc. on this and other car forums but I never understood the allure. The clips and still pictures I had seen made it look stupid. Well, last night I noticed it was available to watch instantly on Netflix, so I watched the first episode of season 10 (I think that was the season). Then I watched episode two. I mostly confirmed that it was stupid. However, it was also greatly entertaining for a show centered around cars. I plan to watch more. :)
1/27/10 9:47 a.m.
It can be stupid, but that's what's fun about it
It's entertaining but provides good knowledge at the same time. (check out the latest season if you can, 14. its awesome!)
They don't take themselves seriously, and neither do viewers, that's part of the fun! Cars should be fun!
There's a lot of opinions on what's good in TG. Thankfully, there's plenty of episodes to choose from. You're bound to find something amusing. The big travel episodes (Botswana, Vietnam, Bolivia and the American Southwest) episodes are my favorites.
The beauty of Top Gear is they have the freedom to call a spade a spade. If a car is a big steaming pile of monkey poo, they don't have to talk it up just to please any sponsors.
Much in the same way the Daily Show doesn't make any responsibility to actually report news, and thus has the freedom to actually report what's really going on, Top Gear doesn't have the responsibility to be informative, and you end up learning more than you ever thought you could.
For example - being able to fling a Ford Transport van around the 'ring in just over 10 minutes can make you the hottest woman on the planet:

Where is it written that to be entertaining it must be intellectual? The best entertainment is usually mindless!
I like laughing at farts.
1/27/10 11:20 a.m.
Top Gear is somewhere in my list of top 3 TV shows. Sure, it isn't intellectual but it is good fun, and it's a show about three blokes who have adventures with cars. What more do you need?
It's 2010 and you just watched your first Top Gear episode?
I think you're on the wrong forum!
Seriously, find a copy of the Vietnam special, the Bonneville episode, the Polar Challenge, the British Leyland episode, the Botswana episode, the Winter Olympics special... I could go on and on.
Top Gear makes Mondays bearable.
TG is in my top 2 or 3 as well. I mean, it's a very good show on it's own but when you compare it to the gussied-up informercials on speed and TLC it's one of the best shows in history.
And I too like that they don't have to blow sponsors to get a paycheck.
I've not seen many seasons, 1-4 or 5 I think, then season 10 on Netflix. I've seen clips on youtube and I'd recommend the journey from Florida to Texas. It was GREAT.
1/27/10 12:05 p.m.
Look for one of the cheap car specials, they're the best.
1/27/10 5:57 p.m.
The "affordable Italian exotics" was classic, particularly because I completely agree with it. Funny, but it's also true that there is no such thing as a cheap Italian exotic. Those cars will break you unless you are truly wealthy, regardless of what you may pay to purchase one.
minimac wrote:
Where is it written that to be entertaining it must be intellectual? The best entertainment is usually mindless!
I saw a quote attributed to one of the show's editors that summed it up pretty well.
some top gear editor said:
Thick people doing thick things is not funny. Clever people doing clever things is not funny. But clever people doing thick things really is funny.
Which also explains Monty Python.
Just saw the Lancia episode. ROFL. I think my favorite moment of the entire series is the biathalon portion of the winter olympics. The tree in the background when Jeremy is shooting kills me.
WilD wrote:
I mostly confirmed that it was stupid.
I'm not sure if it is the fact that he has JUST NOW saw his first TG episode or the above statement that should get him banned.
You have now watched one of the best crazy car shows....Clarkson "In the World"
lol... 1st time I saw a full epp was on BBCamerica... as I recall it was the caravan trip... other one I recall was the trip from miami to naw'lens... I couldn't stop laughing... it was so awesome... then I pulled em from finalgear.com watched every one from season one (which was a bit forced honestly)
i'm finaly DLing all the seasons... I have had em all at some point but ran out of room... now that i've got my TB HDD i'm adding em back haha
1/27/10 9:59 p.m.
for some fun, go to youtube and search old top gear. You will find clarkson sporting some stylish hair styles reviewing cars from the 80s and 90s
Welcome to the most rabid fanbase...in the World.
The caravan episode has to be the funniest one I've ever seen.
Some say, they will go to great lengths to watch the show, including lawbreaking en masse.