A lot of us come here to GRM to find and engage with others of us that are into the passion of automobiles, particularly motorsport.
There are others who get on social media to find people with other interests.
The thing that all of us have in common is that this social media thing makes everything seem larger than it really is. People get trapped in their bubbles. I have a friend whose wife writes articles for sewing groups. We were chatting one night and he reflected, you know, how us car guys have our own world, and it seems huge to us. That's our bubble. But, he said that sewing bubble has probably a hundred fold more members in it- and yet, I couldn't name you one person there. That's completely outside of my bubble.
Everyone would, I think, do well to realize this phenomenon in social media.
As far as dating goes, social media has definitely influenced it greatly over the past 20 years. I was dating when "online ads" were in their infancy, and it was still socially taboo to say you met someone online. I still consider that part of the reason Mrs. VCH and I have such a good relationship is that it happened naturally- we worked together, started off as acquaintances, and built up to where we are today. It took years, and work. It took decades of meeting and dating and breaking up with people, being single and not, etc.
Marriage isn't for everyone, but it is a socially valuable construct that both men and women benefit from. It (in theory) promotes the successful rearing of future generations. Unfortunately, we seem to be moving towards a society where the 5 percent of men who are of dating age, unmarried, have a 6 figure + job, are above-average height, and are decently in shape are the only ones that the tic-toc generation of women are interested in. It used to be your dating pool was pretty small. There were only just so many men and so many women you interacted with, and pretty much people got married out of that pool. Social media exploded the pool, and the 9s and 10s all gravitated to each other leaving the 4s, 5s, and 6s searching in vain for their 9 or 10 that will never come. Then they get angry, blame someone else, and, well, you get what we have today.