I got outvoted 4-1 to get another dog. We already had/have a dog. Don't get me wrong, I like dogs, but the ownership part of them isn't my favorite. Just as grandparents spoil grandkids and send them home, my preference would be to pet someone else's dog and send it back to it's owner. Anyway, since I was outvoted, off to the local animal shelter we went last weekend.
We went in there with the mindset of adopting a dog that was something like 12-18 months old. Still very young and playful, but not in the true puppy stage. Well, my kids (and my wife) laid eyes on this little puppy and it was game over. I could see the look on all their faces, I'd swear I could literally see their hearts melting. Sigh...fine. Not gonna lie, I think he's adorable, but he's a baby, as in 8 weeks old at the time we adopted him last Friday. After being neutered, we were able to bring him home on Monday. Our current dog (a 7 year old black lab/great dane mix) is a bit freaked out, has no idea what to do and wants no part of him. The puppy runs after him and he just tries to get away. The puppy is a bundle of energy, but he's doing really well so far. Have a crate for him, walk him constantly when we're home, play with him, etc...all the puppy training stuff.
But we don't know what kind of dog he is. We could DNA test him, but it's like $100....I didn't even pay that much for the dog. We don't really "care" what he is, the kids love him regardless, but we're more curious. So who's got a guess? Possibilities we can think of are...German Sheppard, Black Mouth Cur, Mastiff (though he's not THAT big), lab??????? He's already got a name...Graham

One more picture, of his face....

My sister the vet says “Kentucky Mountain Mix”. Possibly a little bit of curr.
We both agree he’s adorable!!
He's A' Lucky' Dog, A rare Breed.
9/13/18 11:45 a.m.
I'd say that is about 1 part cur and about 8 parts something else.
9/13/18 11:46 a.m.
Congratulations! It's a dog.
Yep, got out voted myself, never regretted it. Like they say, lock you wife and your dog in a car trunk, see who's happy to see you in an hour.

9/13/18 12:13 p.m.
He's a "good boy". That's enough. (Says the dog lover and Humane Society volunteer.)
Looks like a proper mutt. Best kind, I say.
9/13/18 12:39 p.m.
Hard to tell when they are that small. This one started out 15#, now about 120, looks a LOT different

i get more votes than the wife and kids combined. that's how we are able to maintain our policy of "one dog at a time". both kids volunteer at the Humane Society and i'm constantly barraged by pix of "OMG cutest dog ever! Can we Can we Can we?"
Rhodesian Ridgeback mutt would be my guess. They have that type of coloring without the size, roughly the same muzzle and body shape.
Their ears are typically a bit floppier and wrinklier faces when pure bred. Hard to tell with small puppies though.
All puppies cute to SWMBO and the kids. I was reading the other day that some absurd percentage of shelter dogs are misidentified. Even with the DNA tests they're still pretty off.
AngryCorvair said:
i get more votes than the wife and kids combined. that's how we are able to maintain our policy of "one dog at a time". both kids volunteer at the Humane Society and i'm constantly barraged by pix of "OMG cutest dog ever! Can we Can we Can we?"
We have 3 dogs and 1 cat. If I would allow it, my girlfriend would have approximately 42 dogs.
9/13/18 1:34 p.m.
2 dogs here. Wife is always asking for another. When Frosty passes, I don't want to get another. 1 at a time is fine.
Toebra said:
Hard to tell when they are that small. This one started out 15#, now about 120, looks a LOT different

That's a beautiful dog. I see the rope toy on the side is chewed to shreds. Our older dog loves his tug of war toy.
That's one of the things we're most curious about...how big is he going to get? No way to know for sure, but we're so curious if he's going to be 60lbs, 80lbs, 100+lbs. Right now, he's something around 10lbs, give or take.
First time I ever saw a Brindle was a Greyhound, love it!
9/13/18 2:31 p.m.
Looks Mutt like :)
I vote getting big, my inlaws adopted a "lab collie mix" from the shelter. Damn thing is a great dane mixed with more great dane and maybe a lab at some distant point in his parents life. Its 220lbs easy.
My Shepard was roughly that size, hes 96lbs now.
I'm going with "hound dog mix." I don't think the feet are big enough for a Ridgeback mix. I'm going to GUESS <40 lbs fully grown.
9/13/18 3:12 p.m.
AngryCorvair said:
i get more votes than the wife and kids combined. that's how we are able to maintain our policy of "one dog at a time". both kids volunteer at the Humane Society and i'm constantly barraged by pix of "OMG cutest dog ever! Can we Can we Can we?"
I've volunteered since last April, SWMBO and her daughter now help me. Everyone asks how I don't have 47 dogs and 142 cats. Shear willpower sometimes.
9/13/18 3:17 p.m.
Oh I know! It's an Appalachian sumudis. Little sumadis, little sumadat.
In reply to Klayfish : First off let me thank you for going to a shelter rather than a puppy farm.
Second regarding size? I’ve generally found the bigger the dog the better the disposition. They tend to learn early what the rules are and respect boundaries.
Third my advice if it’s going to be a big dog feed it expensive, high grade food! It will be cheaper in the long run both with a healthier dog /less vet bills and you’ll buy less dog food. ( those fillers most use leave the dog Hungry again too soon. Plus a side benefit is their—er leavings are smaller and stink less.
Ive had 2 St Bernard’s and a Newfoundland each 150 pounds + learned midway with the first to not buy grocery store dog food.
I see some Anatolian Shepherd in him , which btw is my favorite dog breed ever, especially since it looks like he has an undercoat. If you haven't heard of the breed read up on them, very cool dogs
Ears are a bit long for that though so he's a mix with something else
In reply to z31maniac :
The Meaning of Life is 42... dogs...
Mine had some similar facial features when he was young. We also speculate that he has shepherd, but I'm guessing Australian over German. He's part hound too as far as we can tell. Its a weird mix.