So Andrew, HappyAndy has been a member here for quite some time. We would talk via e-mail and text in spurts. Sometimes going a month or two without talking, then months with regular communication. We had a trip together planned this fall, our families, and I was trying to get him to bring his Saab to the challenge. I sent him an e-mail a few days ago to see how things are going.
I just got word that Andy died on June 25th.
I'm in shock, and feel terrible that I let it go this long without hearing from him. I feel gutted. Please guys and girls, reach out to your friends and family and see how they're doing.
9/14/17 1:34 p.m.
That stinks. Makes you wonder when a regular fades away from the forum.
Thread title is fixed, and that's horrible news.
That sucks. Makes you wonder when a regular disappears for a while, just taking a break or something else.
9/14/17 2:16 p.m.
That sucks. The unicorn sighting thread that he started will live on.
That's horrible news. I hope his family is ok.
Man, that is terrible. In my mind I want to say that he was pretty active, but youre right, its actually been a while since I remember a post from him.
Makes me feel like a jerk, there's a metal casting forum I used to be super involved in, but time and life have gotten in the way of that hobby of late, and I havent posted there in months. I think Im gonna pop my head in and just say hello, and that Im still on the bright side of the dirt.
Damn... I was wondering if he was taking a break. Horrible news. 
9/14/17 3:29 p.m.
Wow, yeah, I remember his "Go Dog Go" avatar. I assumed he was taking a voluntary break.
If you talk to his family, please extend our condolences.
That's terrible news.
Condolences to his family.
Sad news. My condolences to his family. 
It seems to happen with alarming regularity around here.
9/14/17 4:47 p.m.
Wow. My condolences as well.
Just not right. . .. I really liked him. . . .. .

What Happened? Was this related to the crash? He posted on the 24th that he was getting better. Crashing Sucks Thread
This is a serous WTF moment for me.
In reply to dean1484 :
Oh, damn. I forgot about that thread. This sucks so bad.
In reply to dean1484 :
I was wondering the same thing.
I haven't been around much the last couple of years, but was thinking that I hadn't seen anything from what I remembered as a prolific poster. Dare I ask? Did something happen to Steve?
I really hope it wasn't related to the crash. It sucks.
Man, what a shame. Seemed like a good dude. I hope he didn't suffer, and hope he went out smiling amongst good people.
Zomby Woof said:
In reply to dean1484 :
I was wondering the same thing.
I haven't been around much the last couple of years, but was thinking that I hadn't seen anything from what I remembered as a prolific poster. Dare I ask? Did something happen to Steve?
He doesn't come around here much anymore. I don't know the reasons why. He's pretty active on FB though.